Chapter 11

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Should I give the chapters actual titles ? oh also the song with the chapter is explicit so yeah just a heads up
-Your point of view-
It was dinner and we're having mash potatoes and grilled cheese(yummy)
"Can you pass the mash potAHHHHHH" beast boy screamed "Jesus Star my HEART"
Star had gone smashing through the window right beside the kitchen counter.
"FRIENDS I have found the Robin!!!" Star jumped up and down
" what really !!" I exclaimed
"All right Star you know the procedure fill us in on the plan"cyborg stated walking to the planning room
Star told us how they were in an abandoned science lab that was supposed to build portals but was claimed nuclear. The hive, Terra, and Slade were all staying there for the moment. Robin had just been cut under his eye and looked like a deep wound that bleed out too much in his leg. We had to be carful Slade trained Terra to be exactly like him and the hive aren't what we thought they were. They all want blood and death now. 
"Alright y/n, Raven, Star you guys ready" cyborg said
"Guys I could still help" beast boy exclaimed "I can't still fight just not as good as normal"
"Logan you know you'll be a distraction to all of us. Plus y/n gonna use her speed and put cameras in hidden places and you can talk to us through an earpiece" Raven stated
"I guess" Beast boy frowned still staring at Raven
Ughhh I hate that the two of them have a thing. They had it before I was here so she'll probably win and she calls him Logan ugh.
"Titans go" starfire offered sadly
And off we were
I sprinted ahead and got the cameras in place just as the Titans burst through the glass. Star ran to a limp Robin.
"Robin please do not leave me. Please" Star whispered to his ear
Star blasted him out of his chains and Robin fell down still limp
"He unconscious guys you gotta get him outta there Slade wants him as a slave" beast boy radioed in
"Copy that" cyborg said
"But why would they shoot him and hang him out to dry if they were gonna use him" I said" isn't that kinda a waste"
"Maybe he was bait" Gizmo called from a balcony above
Just then billy numerous surrounded me.
"Shit" I whispered
" Alright y/n seems like they want you. They should know about the vines from the tower attack but not your speed use that as a last resort."Beast Boy said
I closed my eyes and grew vines not from my hands but behind the billy numerouses. I peaked and saw them coming in closer. I whipped my hands and the vines went around their ankles pulling them into the trap they came from.
The rest of the titans had beaten up the hive pretty badly. The hive ran for their lives.
Just then Slade walked in
"I never really trusted them with such a special girl"he said
-My girl-Beast boy thought
"That's why I made my own army that are too much for you brats" slade yelled as thousands of robot monkeys came flying out and began their attack.


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