Two and a half dads

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We walked into the interrogation room. I sat down across from dad and Flash bracing myself to find out his true identity. Dad pulled his mask off to become Bruce Wayne. Flash gasped at him
"Yo what!!" Flash said shocked
Dad didn't tell anyone but me,Robin and Alfred who he was.
"Yes now your turn Barry" dad said
He knew who everyone was. Flash pulled at his full face mask to reveal a very attractive Barry Allen. He did kinda look like me we both had a sprinkle of freckles on our noses. And our eyes look almost identical but mine were hazel cause I had green,blue,brown,and grey which is super cool I think.
"So uh I'm Barry Allen. Uhhh I'm 38 so I was with your mom when I was 19. So uh maybe tell me about yourself" he said running his hands through his brown hair
"Well I'm 18 gonna be 19 in a few days. Um I have your powers and moms but limited. Ummm I don't really use my speed cause I don't like being alone." I said
"Well happy early birthday." He smiled handing me a little black box "it's from me, your dads and your mom."
I opened the box to see a bracelet that had four circles. In each circles was one of my parents symbols. A bat, ivy, a lightning bolt, and the jokers face.
"I didn't want the joker in there but Barry insisted"dad said
"I love it" I exclaimed hugging them both
I could see dad glaring at Barry and Barry going red in the corner of my eye.
"I just have one question. I mean I looked it up but I still don't get it. How do you have three dads." Barry said rubbing the back of his neck
"Well since moms got the whole nature kinda power thing. She was able to use your uh ha yeah that's stuff as seeds and created me. I wasn't born the normal way I was pretty much in a plant that died cause I absorbed it's power. And yeah" I explained
We went on talking for another hour about our lives. Barry was married to Iris West and she was pregnant and they had an adopted kid.
"Bye kiddo" Barry said with his mask back on in the living room.
"We'll visit you soon have a good birthday hun. Goodbye Son thank you again" Batman said
And with that Batman and Flash we're gone and I was bombarded with questions.
"Who is The Flash"
"How old is he"
"Does he have other kids"
"Do they have powers"
"Guys I cant tell you you know that. Come on Star" I said
It was time for our sleepover and for me to find out if she liked Robin. We walked to my room and got our pjs on laid down on my bed with popcorn. Star began painting my toenails white with a green paw print on the toe
"Star do you like anyone" I asked
"What does that mean the like" she said not looking up
"Well you know me and Beastboy and Raven and Aqualad"I tried to explain
"Oh well then you mean the romantic emotions towards an individual" she said still not looking up
"Yeah I thought maybe you liked a certain bird" I said winking
"I do not have romantic feelings to a bird. Although I did see a pretty cardinal the yesterday. I like the Robin" she said blushing
"Ahhhhh yessssss" I squealed
"Yes it is quite the exciting"she said looking back down
"Why aren't you happy" I asked
"Well he has the romantics about you" she said
"Well when the Beastboy hurt you. He did not waste the second and came here and wouldn't let anyone else help. He also held you all night" she said a single tear rolling down her cheek
"Star, he he's my brother. We grew up together he was just adopted and I wasn't. Batman told us not to tell anyone cause they could use each of us to hurt each other."I said handing her a tissue
"Oh the YAYAYYAYAYA" she stood up and we jumped on my bed
"Come on let's go tell him" I jumped
"What if he says no" she said biting her nails
" He won't Garfield asked him if he liked you and he said yes" I said grabbing her hand pulling her down the hallway.
We passed Beastboy and cyborg on the couch playing video games. He looked at me scared of the answer.
I whispered "it's happening"
And both him and cyborg got up and ran to Robins room with me. I called Raven on the communicator and she appeared in seconds. We made it to Robins door and star knocked. Raven placed us in the room under a invisibility chant she's been working on.
Robin opened the door and looked shocked and nervous seeing star. He let her in and they stood awkwardly by his bed

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