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Steve was trying to be romantic. The issue, however, was that their tub was clearly not built with their bodies in mind. It was a tight fit, but as Bucky reclined against him, drinking his raspberry wine, Steve attempted to not complain. Steve didn't want to interrupt Bucky's quiet soaking. Even if his leg was falling asleep.

Reclining even more against Steve, Bucky rested his head on Steve's shoulder and took in a deep breath. Bucky was completely relaxed in the moment and Steve discreetly moved his stretched his leg, wincing when it started to feel like pins and needles. Really, the last thing that Steve wanted was to disrupt Bucky's relaxation.

"So," Bucky started, causing Steve to pause. Holding his breath, Steve hoped that he hadn't bothered Bucky. Continuing, Bucky said, "Willa sat up, all by herself, the other day."

"Shut up," Steve smirked craning his neck around in hopes of getting a glance of Bucky's cheery expression.

Bucky nodded, positively smug, as he bragged, "I mean, she only did it for, like, a minute. But still --"

"She's a genius," Steve mused, snaking his arms around Bucky's midsection and nuzzling his face into Bucky's neck. Pressing a kiss there, Steve softly stated, "She gets it from you."

"Duh," Bucky teased. Steve nipped at Bucky's neck in playful retaliation, causing Bucky to loudly chuckle. Then, Bucky turned his head to look at Steve and asked, "She really is perfect, huh?"

Steve nodded. Leaning in to rest his forehead against Bucky's, Steve confirmed, "She really is."

A soft, sincere smile was on Bucky's face as he tilted his face just a little more so he could kiss his husband. His kind, loving, understanding husband who would do anything for him. His husband, who was the worst liar Bucky had ever met.

So, when Bucky pulled back from the kiss, he moved off Steve's lap. Standing, Bucky reached for his own fluffy blue towel while the bubble residue clung to his body almost as well as Steve did. Who's hands were running up Bucky's well-defined thighs.

"Where ya goin'?" Steve asked, looking up at Bucky.

Stepping out of the tub, Bucky wrapped the towel around himself and dramatically sagged, "I'm tired, babe."

With a shit-eating grin, Steve teased, "I wore ya out pretty good, huh?"

"You always do," Bucky smirked over his shoulder at Steve while he dried off his body. Then, Bucky declared, "Besides, that tub's too small for both of us."

Steve's brows furrowed and he couldn't help the amused smile that crossed his face. Pulling the plug, Steve stood and asked, "How do you always know?"

"Know?" Bucky questioned, practically mimicking Steve's expression.

Wrapping a towel lowly on his waist, Steve mutely gestured towards the tub. Steve shrugged and wrapped Bucky up in a hug from behind. Peppering Bucky's damp neck with kisses, Steve mused, "You always know when I'm uncomfortable."

Bucky shrugged and tilted his head to the side to allow Steve more space to kiss, "You're easy to read."

"Oh, is that right?" Steve scoffed with his mouth still pressed to Bucky's skin.

Chuckling, Bucky nodded and teasingly confirmed, "You're an open book, babe. Sorry to blow that tough façade of yours."

"Hey," Steve pinched Bucky's side to make him squirm. Steve complained, "I'm tough."

Bucky patted Steve's hand and playfully condescended, "Of course, you are."

Steve bit Bucky's shoulder in retaliation. And even though Steve didn't bite Bucky very hard, Steve still felt bad and pressed an apology kiss to that spot while he soothingly rubbed Bucky's hip. Resting his chin on Bucky's shoulder, Steve watched as Bucky started his nightly routine. Steve could watch Bucky forever.

While Steve stood there, watching Bucky, he noticed how Bucky's face started to flush and his eyes started to turn glassy. Steve's brows furrowed and he softly asked, "What's wrong, love?"

Bucky sniffled and shook his head. Of course, that didn't stop a few tears from escaping him. Which really worried Steve. Sure, Bucky was emotional, but typically there was a reason why he cried. Whether it be because he was happy or sad, there was always a reason.

"Babe?" Steve asked, holding Bucky just a little bit tighter.

"I just," Bucky sniffled. Looking at Steve's reflection, Bucky answered, "I just miss her... so... much."

"Who? Willa?" Steve questioned. Bucky nodded and buried his face in his hands as he started crying a bit harder. Softly chuckling, Steve rubbed Bucky's back and turned his husband to look at him. Attempting to reassure Bucky, Steve brought Bucky into his neck and stated, "It's okay. It's just one night. That's what you told me, yeah? It's just one night."

"I know," Bucky cried, completely burying his face in Steve's neck.

"Buck, it's okay," Steve comforted, running his hand down Bucky's bare back. "Ya know," Steve started, "If you want, we can pick Willa up as soon as we wake up. If you want."

Bucky nodded and asked, "Do you want to?"


"Yeah?" Bucky sniffled, pulling back to look up at Steve.

"I stopped in the middle of making out with you, just to get an update of how our baby was doing," Steve reminded, feigning incredulousness.

Bucky giggled and teased, "Yeah, she really has you wrapped around that little finger of hers."

"She has those big blue eyes of yours, so of course, she does," Steve scoffed. Resting his forehead against Bucky's, Steve said, "I'd have a million babies with you, if I could."

Smirking, Bucky sniffled and rasped, "Right back at cha, babe."

"C'mon," Steve gestured towards their room, "Let's get some sleep, so we can get our girl."

Taking in a deep, grounding breath, Bucky nodded. Allowing Steve to lead him out of the room with their hands linked, fingers laced together. Before they parted, Steve kissed Bucky's hand and headed towards their dressers while Bucky continued towards the bed. Tossing a pair of purple boxer briefs to Bucky, Steve pulled on a pair of black boxer briefs for himself.

Shutting off the light, Steve headed over to the king size bed and plopped down on the messy bed. Steve opened his arms wide and instantly, Bucky willingly moved closer. Nuzzling into Steve's toned chest, Bucky pressed a sweet kiss to Steve's sternum, and Steve held on just a little tighter. Knowing that this was exactly where he belonged.

Darling: Blue Series 3 (Stucky Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now