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You're gonna do fine, Steve internally repeated. Taking in a deep, grounding breath, Steve followed Sam into the delivery room. Finding Bucky feeding Sharon ice chips.

"Hey, daddy," Sharon teased when she spotted Steve. A large shit-eating grin on her swollen, blotchy face.

Steve scoffed and pleaded, "You've gotta stop saying that."

"But that's what you are," Sharon crunched down on an ice chip. Managing to purposely making it louder than it normally would have been, almost an exclamation mark to her statement.

"No, I'm not --"

Steve had been weakly protesting, but Bucky interrupted with a, "Yes, you are." Then, purposely trying to make it sound seductive -- even though he was also trying to stop himself from laughing -- Bucky said, "You are most definitely a daddy."

Sharon snorted and Steve covered his face as he mockingly pleaded, "Stop. You're making it perverted."

However, Steve was ignored as all three of his loved ones laughed. Steve rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop a smile from crossing his face and tugging attractively at his lips. Although the teasing was at his expense, Steve knew that he wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Ooh," Sharon exclaimed, completely stopping her laughter, and everyone else's in the room. Her hands were on her large, round abdomen and she repeated, "Ooh."

"Babe?" Sam questioned, approaching Sharon's other side and immediately letting her tightly squeeze his hand throughout the contractions. Sam winced at Sharon's strength but knew better than to say anything at this moment in time.

Audibly, Sharon breathed out a long drawn out, "Whe-ew."

Standing at the foot of the bed, Steve took a step forward and went to touch Sharon's foot, but paused. He wasn't sure if Sharon wanted to be touched and he wasn't going to do anything to make her even more uncomfortable. Especially since she was so uncomfortable in the first place because she was trying to bring his child into the world.

Once the contraction was over, Sharon noticeably sagged. Even through her fatigue, Sharon could tell that Steve wanted to do something, but wasn't sure what he could do. So, Sharon rasped, "Stevie, be a dear, and massage my feet?"

"Sure," Steve readily agreed and gladly -- slightly -- lifted her swollen right foot. Softly, Steve started massaging, making sure to keep his touch gentle.

Closing her eyes, Sharon relaxed into her mound of pillows. It didn't last long though as she started tensing. Another contraction and Steve removed his hands from her foot. Holding his hands up, he exchanged a wide-eyed glance with Bucky.

Bucky was pushing Sharon's hair away from her face, trying to stop it from matting on her sweaty forehead. Noticing the panicked way that Steve was watching her, Bucky quirked a brow at him. Silently questioning if Steve was okay. To which, Steve mutely nodded, confirming that he was okay.

Even though he wasn't.

Steve was absolutely terrified.

Especially since it was approaching the actual delivery.

When that contraction was over, Sharon took in a deep breath and rubbed her baby bump. Teasingly, Sharon told the fetus, "I better be your favorite aunt."

"I'm sure you will be," Bucky reassured, kissing Sharon's sweaty temple.

Sharon smiled up at Bucky before glancing over at Sam, "Push the button."

"On it," Sam confirmed, pressing the nurse's button.

"Wait," Steve stated, completely concerned now. With almost comically wide eyes, Steve asked, "Is something wrong? What's wrong? Do you need something? Should I go get someone? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Steve," Bucky softly declared, standing from where he was sitting on the edge of Sharon's bed, and crossed the room to where Steve was. Steve was breathing entirely too erratically, for anyone's liking, but especially Bucky's. Bucky cautiously reached out for Steve, and soothingly suggested, "Babe, I think you need to sit down. Okay?"

On the point of almost hyperventilating, Steve just stared at his husband. When Steve didn't respond, Bucky asked, "Should we go outside? Do you need some air?"

As the nurse entered the room, Steve's gaze snapped towards the woman and watched as she went to check Sharon. Steve's eyes followed the nurse as she checked Sharon's vitals and talked about calling the doctor. At that, Steve turned his attention back to Bucky.

"You ready to cross this off the list?" Bucky questioned, keeping his tone light and soothing.

Calming a bit, Steve took Bucky's hand. Giving it a squeeze, Steve confessed, "With you? Absolutely."

"Then, let's do it," Bucky smiled, returning the squeeze while also tugging Steve out of the way.

Darling: Blue Series 3 (Stucky Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now