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Another contraction was starting up as the nurse called the doctor. Steve worried his lower lip with his teeth as he watched his best friend suffer as she brought his daughter into the world. Feeling absolutely hopeless in the moment because he couldn't do anything. And that was one of the hardest things for Steve.

Thankfully, Dr. Helen Cho entered the room. Greeting Steve and Bucky with a cheery, "How are the dads doing?"

"Good," Bucky answered, correctly assuming that Steve couldn't speak in that moment.

Dr. Cho found his response acceptable as she turned her attention to the patient. Getting up and personal with Sharon as she checked to see just how dilated Sharon was. Enthusiastically, Dr. Cho stated, "It looks like we're almost there. You ready to start pushing?"

"This isn't my first rodeo," Sharon joked. Then mocked herself, "God, that was lame. Nat's most definitely going to be their favorite aunt."

"Puh-lease," Sam teased, "Pepper's going to be their favorite aunt. Money buys love."

Sharon caught Steve's gaze and playfully rolled her eyes before suddenly being reminded of the current situation. Steve turned his attention to Dr. Cho when Sharon did and he felt like moving to get a better view, but ultimately decided against it.

As Dr. Cho moved to start preparing, Steve squeezed Bucky's hand, his lifeline. Bucky gave Steve's hand a reciprocated squeeze before dropping Steve's hand. At first, Steve was confused, until he watched as Bucky removed his shirt, getting completely ready for skin-to-skin contact with their daughter.

Which was quickly approaching.

Especially once Sharon was encouraged to push.

Bearing down, Sharon tightly grasped onto Sam's hand and listened to Dr. Cho. Seemingly pushing with all her might, Sharon gritted her teeth and grunted. One push down, Sharon momentarily relaxed.

"You're doing great," Sam told her, rubbing her hand and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Sharon nodded and blew out a puff of air before pushing again. Dr. Cho commented, "You're crowning." Then she looked over at Steve and Bucky and asked, "Do you want to see?"

Bucky looked up at Sharon, silently asking her permission, and Sharon mutely nodded her consent. So, Bucky went around and peeked over Dr. Cho's shoulder. Watching as his daughter was brought into the world.

With a large smile crinkling up to his eyes, Bucky started to cry. Completely overcome with the emotions building up inside of him. Beyond thankful for what Sharon was doing for them. It was a gift that Bucky and Steve could never be thankful enough for.

"Okay," Dr. Cho motivated, "You ready to push again."

"Yup," Sharon sighed, lifting up from her mound of pillows as she started pushing again.

A large, intense push later and the head was revealed. Dr. Cho reassured Sharon, "Almost done, auntie. You're doing great."

Sure enough, it didn't take much longer before the body followed. There she was, Willa Estelle, all covered in goo and promptly placed on Bucky's bare chest. The tears freely flowing from Steve's eyes as Bucky cradled their newborn daughter close while Steve moved closer and followed instructions by cutting the umbilical cord.

Both men crying and Steve gently placed his hand on her tiny head, stroking over her slicked brown hair. Steve looked over her small face, recognizing Sharon's cute little nose and Bucky's mouth. As Willa's eyelids fluttered open to reveal Bucky's beautiful big blue eyes staring up at Steve in wonder.

Steve looked up at Bucky then and leaned in to lovingly kiss his husband. Feeling more love than Steve even knew was ever possible. Especially more than Steve thought was possible for himself.

Pulling back from the kiss, Steve made his way over to Sharon because he owed a lot of his happiness to her. Not only just for bringing his daughter into this world, but for being there through it all. For encouraging him to embrace his feelings for Bucky, not to run from them. For getting wine drunk and sharing giggles in the dark. For always being there for Steve when he needed a friend.

Once Sharon was finally done delivering the placenta, Steve gave Sam a hug and then leaned in to give Sharon a chaste kiss. Sharon simply, playfully rolled her eyes at his display of affection and demanded, "Go over and hold your baby, daddy."

Smirking, Steve pressed a kiss to her forehead and went over to Bucky sans Willa as she was being checked by the nurse and Dr. Cho. Bucky had wiped the goo from his chest and was putting his shirt back on. His bun was messy, his eyes puffy, and his face blotchy, and he was absolutely the most gorgeous person Steve had ever seen.

Steve couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. Bucky's heart had always been big, his love had always been plentiful, and Steve knew that Willa was the luckiest little girl in the whole world. Hell, the whole universe. And Steve was the luckiest to have Bucky as his partner and the father of his child.

Darling: Blue Series 3 (Stucky Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now