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Steve loved his job. It paid well, had great benefits, and had even given Steve paternity leave with pay. And after having that time off with Bucky and Willa, it made leaving for work very difficult. Especially when Bucky and Willa seemed to have so much fun together during the day while he was at work.

So, Steve tried to hold Willa as much as possible before he had to be at work. Keeping her snug as a bug in his arms, against his chest. Taking care of his morning routine one-armed because he simply refused to put her down. Simply wanting to get as many cuddles with her as possible in hopes that it would last him throughout the day. Even though he knew that no matter how many cuddles he got from his special girl that he'd still want more.

Then again, when Willa got sick...

"Fuck," Steve sighed around his toothbrush.

From the shower, Bucky asked, "What?" Peeking around the shower curtain, Bucky looked over at Steve and said, "What did you say? I didn't hear you."

Steve shook his head and spit the foamy dregs into the sink. Rinsing his toothbrush and wiping his mouth, Steve explained, "Puked on my shirt."

"Aw, poor baby," Bucky sympathetically stated. Holding his arms out, Bucky said, "Give her to me and change your shirt."

Removing Willa's diaper, Steve handed her over to Bucky. Once Willa was in Bucky's arms, Steve started leaving the room. As he exchanged his puked tee for a fresh, clean one, Steve heard Bucky coo from the shower, "Nakey baby! Yes, you are! You're a nakey baby!"

Quietly, Willa made some of her baby noises and Steve wished that he could stay home. After all, everyone was constantly telling them that they had to cherish these moments because they're gone before they would even be able to blink. And Steve didn't want to miss any of them.

"Yeah, what cha thinkin'?" Bucky replied to Willa. Her coos continued and Bucky said, "I think you like showers, huh? Better than baths, yeah?"

"You love baths," Steve scoffed.

"Correct," Bucky confirmed. Still using his baby voice, Bucky exaggerated, "I love baths. But Willa hates them. Yes, she does. She hates them."

Steve leaned against the sink and nodded, silently agreeing. Willa wasn't a fan of baths. But she was a fan of her special, all natural bedtime lavender lotion. She loved it so much that she was getting to the point where she couldn't fall asleep without it. Which was another trait that she picked up from Bucky, who also had a bedtime ritual where he tediously moisturized his skin religiously and couldn't sleep without doing so.

The shower was turned off then and Bucky pulled back the curtain, revealing himself and Willa. Without needing to ask Steve, Steve opened the towel and handed it over to Bucky who promptly wrapped it around Willa's shivering body. Handing Willa over to Steve, Steve handed Bucky another towel. Which Bucky graciously accepted and wrung out his long brown hair.

Holding Willa, Steve dried her off. Making sure to share funny faces with her in hopes of making her laugh. Smiles came easily. Their baby was seemingly the most cheerful baby ever. Laughter on the other hand, however, was something that they were still working on.

"How pissed would you be if she laughed when you were at work?" Bucky snorted, drying off his body.

Talking to Willa, Steve cooed, "I can't wait until you can talk so you can tell daddy that he isn't funny."

"Rude," Bucky scoffed, earning a wink from Steve. Stepping out of the tub, Bucky leaned forward. Steve met him halfway for a kiss. Around Steve's lips, Bucky said, "Have a good day today."

"You too," Steve spoke into another kiss. Passing Willa to his husband, Steve pressed a sweet kiss to her head. Affectionately smoothing his hand over her messy brown hair, Steve told Willa, "Be good for daddy."

As Steve went to leave the bathroom, Bucky grabbed his hand and tugged him back in. Finding Bucky to be bashfully smiling, Steve attempted to fight his own grin from tugging at his lips. Giving his husband another kiss before reluctantly leaving the bathroom.

On his way out of the bathroom, Steve bent over to scratch Hemmy between the ears. All the while, telling the Australian Sheppard, "Watch them while I'm gone." Taking Hemmy's tail wagging as an agreement, Steve told him, "Thanks buddy. You're the best boy."

Darling: Blue Series 3 (Stucky Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now