Fight For Dominance

Start from the beginning

This was defiantly not good.

"You really think these pathetic chains can hold me?" Scott sneered.

Derek said trying to be calm "It was built for lifting parts buildings.You can try but I doubt you'll succeed. No werewolf, not even an Alpha can-"

"But I'm not just as ordinary Alpha am I?" Scott chuckled.

Before Derek could respond, Scott pulled hard on the chain attracted to his wrists. He heard a snapping sound before they were falling to the floor, completely snapped in half. Scott hadn't even broken a sweat.

He then did the same thing to the chains around his legs. Derek's jaw fell open as Scott rubbed his wrists were the chains had been.

A cold smile on his face.

Derek took a step back "Scott, I don't want to fight you"

Scott growled, the wolf inside him begging for a fight, he took a threatening step forward "To bad" He sneered.

He couldn't refuse or fight the beast inside him, not when it was so close to the surface. Not when it felt so right to finally give in...

Derek grimaced, he didn't want to but it was the only way to defeat Scott, he reached in himself and called his own wolf to the surface, it quickly overwhelmed him with a rush of power and suddenly in Dereks place instead of a man was black, menacing wolf.

Derek let out a loud menacing roar that shook the windows, snarling at Scott, who looked amused, this wound Derek up even more.

"You call that a roar?" Scott said mockingly.

Scott shifted into his werewolf form, his face shifting to that of a monsters then he roared back. It was louder, longer and defiantly more powerful. The windows shattered and the house shook.

The black wolf was not to be intimidated though, shocked but never intimidated, so he lunged at the younger werewolf. I have evolved! I am one of the strongest werewolves here! I should be able to beat this stupid pup easily! Derek thought angrily.

Scott was thrown to the ground, Derek on top.

Snarling like an animal he through Derek of him, who landed on all fours ready to attack again. Scott stood up, he shifted a little so he looked more human, only his red eyes showed the beast that howled inside him.

He told Derek coldly "You can't beat me, might as well give up"

Derek growled, turning back to his human form "Why are you fighting me Scott? What does your wolf want? What is the point of this? If you wanted to escape you would have tried to get past me already, not fight me"

That halted Scott.

The young Alpha frowned, what did he want? What did his wolf want?

He had wanted a fight, the urge to rip Derek to shreds was strong but what was the point?

He looked inside himself, for some reason his wolf hadn't taken over him completely, he could feel it inside of him, warming his body, heightening everything about him, what did his wolf want?

It gave him an answer.

Scott let out a pained gasp as the wolf howled and roared its answer inside him. Scott felt his eyes blaze a brighter red, if that was even possible.

"Submit" Scott said shakily.

"What-" Derek said.

"I-no...It wants you to submit" Scott said, his voice almost a growl.

It was getting confusing at who was really in control. The wolf wanted Derek to submit to him, prove he was the Alpha, it didn't like Derek, feeling Dereks own wolf challenging its control. In wolf society you were either dominant or submissive. Derek wasn't an Alpha but he was still Dominant, still wanting to be in charge. Still wanting Scott to obey him, like Scott was still a beta.

Derek may not be intentionally doing this but Scott wolf could feel it and the rage that it brought was like a storm.

Images of when Derek had threatened people he cared about or beat him down when he'd been a beta flooded through Scotts mind. The wolf snarled in rage and humiliation. This would never happen again, the wolf would make sure it didn't.

Scott felt himself agreeing with the wolf. He felt anger clouding his judgement. How dare Derek, how dare he do that to an Alpha? Sure he hadn't been an Alpha back then but he was now, and the thought of Derek beating him in a fight, leaving him on the ground, him acting so submissive. God dam it made him furious and very, very revengeful.

The wolf inside him wanted Derek to feel pain like Scott had, pain at being forced to submit, at showing weakness to the stronger wolf. But the even more scary part? Scott wanted it to.

Dereks own wolf snarled in rage at being told to submit. Dereks own eyes burned a blazing blue.

"Scott..." Derek warned.

Scott was now glaring at Derek. Everything about him screamed a challenge.

"Whats wrong? Don't think you can beat me Derek?" Scott taunted, moving closer to him, looking at Derek like he was prey, his moves predatory.

It was now not just any fight.

It was a battle for dominance between the two werewolves.

There could only be one winner.

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