It's Filthy Frank, mothafucka!

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Within the bullhead landing zone in Beacon Academy, one of those cowcraniums arrives and quickly lands. One of its side doors slide open as team RWBY hop out. With Ruby rubbing a wet towel in her hair to get the blue dye out, Blake covered mostly in bandages whilst nursing an arm wrapped in gauze, Yang carrying her new coconut bikini, and Weiss deciding everyday is now hat day. Overall, they look pissed and confused. Mostly pissed.

Ruby rips the towel from her head, her hair now back to its black and red tip look.

Ruby: Well, now I just feel silly.

Weiss: Really? Because I feel like strangling you for making us go on that pointless goose chase! But, you know, silly works too.

Yang: I'm just bummed out that all those adventures with the Volcano God, human piranhas, elderly transmogged samurai tortoises, and all that lesbian sex was for nothing.

Blake: I need to see a doctor.

Ruby: Medical attention can wait, we need to meet Professor Ozpin.

Without anything else to say or argue, the four of them make their way to Ozpin's office. Somewhat too tired to start up another conversation.

Traveling across the grounds of Beacon and up an elevator, Ruby and sluts make their way to the totally not penthouse style office in the totally not compensating building.

Before they arrive to Ozpin's office, the representation of July suddenly has a little epiphany.

Ruby:... Hey, do any of you have the strange feeling that we're getting ripped on?

MOVING ON! Before any of them could even ponder on what the hell she's talking about, the elevator doors slide open and reveal the man that caused them so much trouble.

Frank. Having a cup of coffee with Ozpin. While looking bored out of his ass. He turns around and spots the team.

Frank: Oh thank God, a distraction! This guy's been trying to get me enrolled in this school for thirty minutes. I haven't got a word in since!


Frank: Sup.

Yang quickly walks over to Frank and grabs him by the shirt. Lifting him up as he drops his coffee.

Yang: Do you have any idea what we went-What the hell?

She notices her hand is suddenly warm and moist. Shush it! Looking down her arm, she sees a red paste leak out of Frank's shirt pocket and all over her hand.

Yang: What the hell?!

Letting go of Frank out of disgust, he falls to the floor and quickly reaches up for his shirt pocket.

Frank: Aw man! My ravioli.

Yang: Who keeps ravioli in their shirt pocket!?

Frank: It's a life hack.


Ozpin: "ahem"

Everyone shuts the fuck up and shift their attention to Ozpin. Completely unfazed by the scene thanks to his magnificently made coffee.

Ozpin: Now that everyone is here, maybe we can settle... whatever is going on. For starters.

He glances down to Frank, who is currently scratching his nuts.

Ozpin: How exactly did you four even manage to lose him?

Weiss: Uh, well, you see-

Ruby: Weiss made him go wash his hands at a nearby restroom and he just slipped away.

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