You look like a rapist

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In some random ass coffee shop, on some random ass street, some random ass Headmaster named Ozpin enjoys his twelfth midday coffee at a table in the corner. Seriously, that's an unhealthy amount of coffee. Even for a supernaturally perverted wizard. But hey, he's a grown ass man, he can quit whenever he wants... Starting the next time he needs a new body.

Anyway, he looks over his scroll as he reads a bunch of school shit that would make looking up the lore for 40K seem simple. While he skims over the part about the reports of student mental health from bullying, he soon over hears two off duty officers sitting close by.

Cop1: Anyway, how's the wife?

Cop2: Still dead... By the way, did you here about what's going on south of the city?

Cop1: You mean in Ghettoville? Yeah. Heard that a bar got trashed, and some wacko man checked some kids and two of our boys.

Ozpin: "sip"

Cop2: Not only that, we've been getting reports of someone stealing several packs of ramen noodles, noise complaints, and a cripple getting their wheelchair stolen.

Ozpin: "sip"

Cop1: You think it's the same guy that started the underground rat fights, public disturbances, crawfish racing, and this disgusting food popping up all over the place?

Cop2: Maybe, maybe.

Ozpin: "sip"

Cop2: Also, did you hear that some asshole is stealing all the coffee within a five mile radius?

Ozpin: Aaannd now it's my problem.

The Headmaster stores his scroll away and drinks the remainder of his coffee in a few gulps. Finishing the nectar of the gods, Ozpin gets up and takes his leave of the shop.

After looking over police reports through his scroll, and badgering some nearby cops, Ozpin has deduced that whoever is causing all this fuck shit is somewhere a few blocks south of him. Deciding not to take his sweet ass time, he makes his way over in post haste. The further in he went, the more cop cars are zooming by... And with good fucking reason, apparently.

Several reports he got a look at talked about all sorts of hell going on in this city block. Besides the rat fights, crawfish races and food poisoning, there was one report that had gotten his attention most of all. There have been eye witnesses of the one individual that's running a muck causing most of these problems.

A man of Mistral dissent in a light blue button up shirt, dark pants, and glasses. The same description that Ruby had given in her mission report a few hours ago. Which slightly begs the question of 'Where the shit is team RWBY when he's here already?' They would have mentioned something about that by now. Regardless, if this is the same strange man, it would be best to retrieve him personally before he gets shot. Or mugged. Or taken advantage of sexually.

Before he can contemplate more butt stuff that could happen, Ozpin suddenly smells something. Something familiar. Something delicious. Something CAFFEINATED.

Following the scent of the holy life giving liquid known as coffee, Ozpin sets aside his ever growing caffeine addiction to put two and two together on what's happening right now. That being that he might have just found his mystery man. All he has to do is use his nose.

Sniffing for a few minutes, getting odd looks from the occasional passerby, Ozpin makes his way to a small apartment building. An absolute shit pit of a brick building with more graffiti than red with a whole range of profanity. And people wonder why we need more cops on the streets.

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