53 - Back to the Future

Start from the beginning

"Got it," Bruce said.

Everyone got ready and suited up.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favor and activate Protocol 8," Tony said.

"Yes, boss," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

Avengers facility went on lockdown.

"Everybody comes home," Bruce said.

Bruce put on the gauntlet and the power surge overwhelmed him. He grunts in pain.

"Dr. Banner!" Hannah called from behind Tony.

"Take it off. Take it off!" Thor said.

"No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" Steve asked.

"Talk to me, Banner," Tony said.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," Bruce said.

Thor gave a double thumbs up.

Bruce screamed, fighting through the intense pain coursing through his body courtesy of the gauntlet, and managed to snap his fingers. He fainted and the gauntlet slid off his arm, Clint kicked it away.

"Bruce!" Steve called.

"Don't move him," Tony said.

Bruce held onto Steve's arm.

"Did it work?" he asked.

"Worth a shot. It's over. It's okay," Thor said.

As Thor said that, Hannah's phone began to ring. She took it out of her back pocket. Her heart began to beating fast.

"It - it worked," she said. "It worked."

"It did?" Bruce asked.

Hannah accepted the call request.

"H - hello? Dad?" she said, taking a few steps away from the group.

Tony watched her talk to her father.

"Dad, I'm - I'm okay," Hannah assured him. "Don't worry. I'll - I'll explain everything when I come back. Just write this address down, alright?"

Hannah told her father her address while Scott walked towards the outside windows and saw plants and birds. Clint heard his phone ringing and saw it's his wife calling.

Clint struggled to speak from sheer happiness.

"Honey, honey," he said, when he answered the phone.

"Guys... I think it worked," Scott said.

SCOTT: Guys...I think it worked!

Bruce opened his eyes and saw the Sanctuary II up in the sky and a single missile heading towards the base blowing away Scott away. Then a continuous array of missiles destroyed the base completely and everyone sunk below to the underground.

Bruce holding up tons of debris from collapsing on top of the other Avengers. Some debris is stuck on top of Rocket.

Hannah heard Rocket call out that he can't breath. She was too far to help him. She managed to get out of the debris to see a familiar face. It was the face of the man who took everything from her.

"Hannah!" she heard Dylan call her. "Hannah! Where are you?"

"Dylan! I'm here!" she called back. "Dylan!"

"Hannah, help me! I'm - I'm stuck! Please!"

"Dylan, I'm coming!" Hannah said, getting up and trying to find her best friend in the debris.

"Hannah! I'm here!" he waved over to her. "I'm here!"

Hannah rushed over to him. His lower half was stuck under the debris. He couldn't get himself out.

She tried to push it, but she wasn't strong enough. She used her powers to blast it away. She managed to get most of it off of Dylan. That was enough to get him out.

"Are you okay?" Hannah asked, helping him up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Did it work? Did Dr. Banner bring everyone back?"

"Yeah, it did," she said.


"My dad called me," she said.

"If they're back, that means..."

"Peter and Ellie are back."


"And guess who's back?"



"What?" Dylan asked, shocked.

"Yeah," she said. "Follow me. I'll show you."

Hannah took Dylan to where she was originally.

"There he is," she said.

Tony, Thor and Steve appear behind Dylan and Hannah.

"Is that...?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," Dylan said.

"What's he been doing?" Tony asked.

"Absolutely nothing," Dylan responded.

"Where are the stones?" Steve asked.

"Somewhere under all this," Tony said.

"Yeah," Hannah said. "All we know is he doesn't have them."

"So we keep it that way," Steve said.

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor asked.

"Yeah. And I don't much care," Tony said.

"Good. Just as long we are all in agreement," Thor said. He summoned both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir 2013. "Let's kill him properly this time."

"Dylan, Hannah," Tony said, turning to the pair. "Go somewhere else to attack Thanos from."

"What? Why can't we go with you?" Dylan asked.

"Just do it."

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