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TW: none (tell me if I'm wrong)


It was an average day to say the least. Logan had his usual list of improvements for the other core sides. Logan made an effort to make a list of improvements for the sides every week. Each list consisted of the sides name, what they have improved on, what they need to improve on, and suggestions on how to improve.
Virgil was always one to ignore the list, so every week it consisted of similar things. 'Virgil I request that you stay on topic when it comes to our conversations and debates. Your anxious energy is also a tad bit of a hindrance, I would suggest working on those breathing exercises before we record our videos.'

Next was Patton's. Patton always tried to improve onhimself, and made sure to take Logan's words to heart. Logan knew he had to be extra careful with what he said, if he accidentally offended the side Virgil would quite literally attack him and force an apology. So when it came to Logan's tactics he decided to complement the emotional side, before delivering the problems. 'Patton, I am very proud that you have been working on speaking clearly through your lines instead of mindlessly screaming them out. Thank you. The only thing I believe you need to improve on is focusing, you distract yourself from the problem instead of focusing on the issue at hand. Please pay attention. With respects- Logan'

The last improvement letter was Roman's, but there was a problem.
Logan knew what romantic attraction was, he knew that he was emotionally, mentally, and physically attracted to Roman, but he never saw it as a distraction. Ignoring the attraction worked well up until this point. Logan sat down, pencil in hand, staring at his letter for Roman. He couldn't come up with any improvements. "I'm done.  " Logan stated to himself, throwing down the pencil with a frustrated growl. "These emotions are getting in the way of Roman's improvement!" Logan was frustrated, every memory of the prince was filled with fondness. Surely he couldn't be perfect, but Logan's feeling said otherwise. Everytime Logan thought of Roman ot was in good light, he couldn't think of a single thing the romantic side could do wrong. "Stop being unreasonable," Logan hit his head against the desk. "He's not perfect, no one is, just think!"
After an hour of just thinking what to say Logan gave up and just started writing.
'Roman. You're voice is alluring, your actions are well put togeather, you're a wonderful actor, and a brilliant poet. The only thing I want you to improve on, is to stop distracting me. You're so attractive, and perfect, and courageous, I could literally go on all day about how wonderful you are. You distract me, and I need you to stop. You're beautiful, kind nature keeps me from finishing my work even if you're not in the room. I would also appreciate it if you didn't  cloud my thoughts every minute of the day. I would like it if you stopped making me day dream of being with you. I would love it if you just stopped being perfect and let me work!
With best care- Logan'

Logan sighed as he looked at the letter. All his frustrations were written on paper, and admitting all those things oddly made him feel better. He even felt giddy while handing it to Roman.

'No turning back now'  Logan sighed to himself as he carefully handed Roman his confession.
Working on part 2 right now!
Hope y'all liked it!

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