Chapter 26

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I woke up and looked at my phone. A few messages from Sam I but ignored it again. I changed into ripped jeans, and a white tank top. I left my hair down and did my makeup. I put on converse and walked downstairs. "Hey." I said to my mom and dad. "Hey we talked about New York." "Ok can I go?" I asked hoping they would say yes. "Yes you can." My dad answered. "Thank you!" I said and gave them a hug. Aidan came down and I told him we can go. After we finished talking I walked to my car and went to school.

I got out of my car and saw Sam and Stacy holding hands. My heart sank and I wanted to cry but I sucked it up and walked over to the girls. "Sam and Stacy are dating?" I asked them and they nodded. "I'm so sorry Abi." Gabi said and I smiled lightly. We continued talking until I had to go to first period. I sat down next to the 'happy couple' and Sam looked at me. "Hey Abigail." Stacy said. I ignored her and class started.

I was walking down the stairs to go to my next period, and I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Before I knew it I was going down the stairs. Stacy had pushed me. My leg hurt really and I heard Sam scream my name. "Abi!" He said and ran down. "What happened?" He asked and kneeled down next to me. "Your girlfriend." I answered and he put his hand out to help me up. "I don't need your help." I said and tried to get up but fell again because of the pain. He picked me up bridal style. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "To the hospital." "Why? I'm fine." "Obviously your not you can't even walk." He said and we drove to the hospital. The nurses put us in a room and we were waiting. It was really awkward because nobody was talking. I grabbed my phone and went on social medias. "Ok Abigail let's see your foot." The doctor said and he looked at it. They told me it was sprained and they put a wrap on my foot and gave me crutches. I had to wear the crutches for a week and one week without then I can take off the wrap. They released me and Sam and I walked out. "Let's go" He said but I stayed in place. "No, I'll have someone else pick me up." I said and took out my phone. "Why can't I take you home?" "I don't want to be with you more than I have to." I said and he rolled his eyes. He walked to his car and parked it in front of me. I sat down and he got out of his car. He took my crutches, "I need those!" I said and he ignored me. He carried me to the car and put me down in the car. He went around and sat down and started driving. "I hate you." I said and crossed my arms. "Whatever." He said and after that it was quiet.

We got to my house and I got out of the car. "Thanks." I said and closed the door. He put down his window, "I'll talk to you later." He said and I turned around to face him. "No, don't you understand that I want NOTHING to do with you. You cheated on me Sam! And now your dating Stacy! Don't talk to me anymore!" I said and continued walking to my house. I walked into my house, "Abi what happened?" my mom asks "Stacy pushed me down the stairs" "You mean the Stacy that Sam cheated on you with?" "Yeah" "My goodness are you okay?" my mom asks "Yeah Sam took me to the hospital. They said I sprained my ankle, then he paid for the bill and brought me back" "That's so sweet. Sam did that?" "Yeah considering his girlfriend" I say putting air quotes around girlfriend, "did this to me" I say rolling my eyes than walk upstairs to my room. "Hey ass hole" I say when Aidan walks into my room. "Hey ugly. What happened to your foot?" "Stacy pushed me down the stairs" "Oh that's great" he says and crashes down on my bed. "What are you doing?" "Packing for New York" "Oh shit that's right. Why are you packing already we leave in like 4 days" "3 and because I'm a girl" I say and he laughs and leaves my room. My phone buzzed

From Jack🙈

Hey cutie how's your foot?

To Jack🙈

It's fine

From Jack 🙈

What are you doing

To Jack🙈


From Jack🙈

Aww where are you going

To Jack🙈

Your such a flirt🙈. New York

From Jack🙈

Haha❤️ How long will you be gone?

To Jack🙈

I'm only going for the weekend cutie

From Jack🙈

I'll see you tomorrow babe

To Jack🙈

Bye Jack

I say putting my phone down and I continue packing. I finished packing for the day and took a shower. I ate dinner and watched tv until I fell asleep.

I woke up and did my regular morning routine. I hopped downstairs and ate breakfast. "Aidan's gonna drive you to school" my mom says and I nod. "And later we're going to go pick your car up from school" she says and I nod again. "Lets go" he says and we go to the car. We got to school and I got down. "Abi what happened" "That fucker pushed me down the stairs" "Who?" "Stacy" "What a bitch!" Natasha says "Yeah" "You know she's dating Sam now" "I don't care" "What are you doing for volleyball?" "I'm going to the practices to see what you guys are doing but i can't play for two weeks" she nods and I walk to class before the bell rings and see Sam and Stacy making out. I took out my book and slammed it on the desk "Hey do you mind?" Stacy asks pulling away with her arm over Sam's shoulder "Woops" I say and she kisses Sam again. The bell rang and Mr. Salazar walked in. "Mr. Wilkinson kiss your girlfriend on your own time!" "I will" Sam answers and Stacy smiles.

*After School*

I was walking out of school with Gabi, Natasha and Jack. "Abigail! Abigail!" I hear and we turn around and see Stacy running towards us. "May I help you?" "Abigail I'm really sorry for the "incident" that occurred yesterday" "I would never believe a word that comes out of your slutty mouth" "I'm really sorry" "I bet you are" We watched her walk back to where Sam was "See Sammy I tried" she says rubbing his arm and pecking his lips. "Thank you baby" he says and they start making out. I rolled my eyes. "Such a fake apology." Jack said and I agreed. "I hate these stupid crutches, and now I can't even play volleyball." I said and sighed. "Well I can help with one thing." Jack said and picked me up bridal style. Natasha took my crutches out of my hand. "Thanks." I said and smiled. "Take me to Aidan's car please." I said and he started walking "But doesn't Aidan have practice today?" Gabi asked. He had joined the basketball team. "Oh yeah, Ok well I'll just wait." "No I'll take you home." Jack said and we walked to his car. He sat me down in the passenger seat and then closed the door. I put down the window to say bye to Gabi and Natasha. "Bye girls." I said and waved. "Bye have fun." Natasha said and winked at me. I slightly laughed and rolled my eyes. Jack got in the car and he drove me to my house.

Disaster >< s.wOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora