Chapter Five

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I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps. I turn my head as far as it can go but I can only see half the room. Meaning somebody could be behind me right now and I wouldn't know. I just sit there waiting for the stranger to come out to where I could see them or to talk but they do nothing. At the moment I think my senses are playing tricks on me until I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see a person dressed in all black and wearing a black ski mask. I see nothing except here lips and eyes, the eyes scare me but not fully. In the semi dark blue eyes I see hatred and envy but I also see sorrow and sadness. we make eye contact and stay like that for awhile until the person turns around and leaves. Why would somebody that kidnaps me be sad? or jealous? All this was giving me a headache and I need to be focused on the main problem right now... Elliot .... Only God knows what they're doing to him right now. I shake my head as I feel the tears start to come again that is until the door opens revealing a person dressed in black. Not the same person with the dark blue eyes no this person had kinda light eyes and was taller and thicker than the fragile/petite person that was here earlier. This person seemed more angry and mean as he or she ( into the outfits I can't tell) walked over to me and got out a key and unlocked my cuffs as I was getting up I heard a mans scream. It was Elliot! I tried to run to the door but the person in black grabbed me and threw me on the ground, my head hit the cold metal floor and my vision started fade out. The last thing I remember seeing is the dark blue eyes with sadness and envy and the light blue eyes with hatred and anger.

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