Chapter 17: Hidden Ambitions

Start from the beginning

Stroking Silver, he smiled as the kitten drifted to sleep against his chest, thankfully Albus had visited while Harry still was in his animagus form, he doubted Harry could have handled that visit and all that it implied. Despite Albus' threat, Severus knew that his adoption of Harry was ironclad and nothing could tear them apart, not even Albus, the meddling old coot.
Sighing, Severus headed to bed, needing to catch some shuteye before exams began. Setting Silver in his bed, he didn't bother asking him to change back to Harry, not tonight.


Blaise leaned back on the couch tiredly. He had just finished his Ancient Runes exam and man had it been rough. He had been prepared and he knew he had done well, but it had mentally wrung him out. Thankfully he had a day of rest between his Ruins exam that afternoon and his next exam, which was Defense. He knew Draco would rally the troops and all fifth year Slytherins would spend the next day studying under the blond's watchful eye. A small paw patting his nose had him popping his eyes open rather comically (eyes he hadn't known he closed).
"What?" He grumbled at his boyfriend-turned kitten, resisting the urge to smile at the adorable face which was inches from his own.
"I know you don't have exams yet, not until this summer, but the rest of us have them" Blaise muttered, "And I was just killed by my damn exam and need some time to rest before Draco forces us all to study again" Blaise added, dropping a kiss on the furry head. Silver made an adorable chirping noise and nuzzled Blaise lightly, his green eyes shining playfully. He had had another bored day in Severus' quarters what with exams going on and all and now he wanted to play with his friends and Blaise. Wiggling his tail, he launched off of Blaise and landed on a sprawled out Draco's stomach, startling the dazed blond into a state of wakefulness.
"Little beast" Draco grumbled, snatching up the kitten and holding him eye level.
"As Blaise said, we just wrote a grueling exam and would like the chance to allow our brains to melt before we have to begin studying for our other exams" The blond stated, taking on what Blaise and the others dubbed his 'Malfoy' voice. It was the voice that all Malfoys used when dealing with those beneath them or those that they considered undesirable. Instead of cowering like any sane being would do, Silver sneezed, his paws coming up to scrub at his little nose. Blaise snorted before breaking into peals of laughter.
"I've seen people wet themselves when your father uses that voice, but sneeze? That's a first" Blaise giggled (something he would later deny).
"Stuff it Zabini" Draco growled, though he was unable to keep the small smile off of his face as he regarded Silver. The kitten mewed apologetically and patted Draco's face with his tiny paws, whining when Draco caught them up and glowered at him, though once again the blond was fighting a smile.
"Poor thing" Pansy cooed from her seat next to the fire, "He's probably bored being cooped up in Professor Snape's quarters all day" She said, watching Silver continue wiggle in Draco's hands.
"We're all so busy with exams and so is the Professor with overseeing exams, he's probably not getting as much attention as he's used to" She added, charming a piece of scrap paper to fly around the room for the kitten's enjoyment. Freeing himself from Draco, Silver took after the paper, leaping with paws outstretched to try and catch it. Small mews of enjoyment escaped the kitten as he bounded around the Common Room, launching himself off of furniture and people alike in his haste to try and catch the fluttering parchment. Most Slytherins dropped what they were doing to watch their small mascot, some adding their own bits of paper or different rubbish to the game, sending the kitten all over the room until he flopped, panting hard, on Blaise's chest.
"Guess we finally wore him out" Blaise commented, summoning a house elf and asking for a dish of water. Once the creature returned, Blaise set the bowl down on the table and plopped the still panting kitten down next to it.
"Drink, we don't need you dying of dehydration, or the Professor will chop us into pieces to use in his potions" Blaise commanded, his tone serious though his eyes sparkled with mirth. Once the kitten had drank his fill, Blaise gathered him up and wandered down the hall towards Severus' quarters, needing to return the kitten before curfew.

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