23 // Pizzo

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The night before.

7.30 PM

Deep breaths. Deep breaths and happy thoughts. I didn't know why in the world I was so nervous. I've been on a date with Harry before, even tho neither of us saw that diner as a proper date. I think. I've spend a lot of time with him, he knows a lot about me. But still, it feels different. Those times we were together, we were just friends. But we kissed now. Does that mean we're more than friends? Does this date mean anything special? I think it does, but I can't really say I have a lot of experience in the dating department. Actually I have no experience what so ever in the dating department. So everything that is happening feels special to me. Which I'm not sure is a good thing yet. I don't want to be fragile, or naive. I don't want to be blinded by what I think is something special. So I tell myself to just have fun tonight, to not make any decisions yet.

That determination didn't help with the nerves though.

''Stop worrying, Honey. That guy has been in your bed more than once, yet you're scared to go outside with him? Is this like a weird teen thing that didn't exist in my time?'' Gigi spoke, putting her hands on my shoulders. I chuckled, ''No, not in this case, anyway. I'm just-'' I sighed, ''Nervous.''

''Well that's understandable! You haven't been on a date before, it's normal to be nervous even if you have! Just keep one thing in mind...'' She trailed off, making me raise my eyebrows and wait for her to continue, she didn't. ''Keep what in mind?'' I asked, curious as to what I had to do to make this night successful.

Gigi shook her head, smiling to herself. ''Forget it, you can't keep to it anyway.''

''Tell me, Gigi.'' I begged.

''Just, don't make an fool of yourself.'' She spoke, nodding. I gasped, ''Are you saying it's inevitable that I'm going to make a fool of myself?''

''Actually, yes, I am.'' Gigi spoke, giggling and turning away from me. ''But don't worry, you've made a fool of yourself in front of him before. He didn't seem to mind then, or he wouldn't have asked you out on a date with him.''

''Wait, when have I-'' But my sentence got cut short, as the doorbell rang. ''Oh, there he is! Have fun.'' Gigi spoke, hurrying away.

When I opened the door, Harry was stood there, grinning. ''Hi.'' He simply spoke, his hands tangled together behind his back. ''Hello.'' I replied, biting the inside of my cheek. ''You look great.'' He complimented me, making me look down. I was wearing something comfortable, like Harry told me to. Light blue jeans, a black lace peplum top and my black ankle booties. With a golden upper arm bracelet as accessory. I was never a very fashionable person, but I was quite proud of this outfit.

''Thank you.'' I replied, smiling. ''Are you ready?'' He asked. I nodded, looking at his outfit. He was wearing a dark blue blouse, with the sleeves rolled up just the slightest bit and unbuttoned further than I was used to. He also had on a pair of black skinny jeans and black rough looking boots.

When we were sat in his car, I couldn't help but express my curiosity. ''So, where are we going?'' I asked, playing with the rim of my top. He just smiled, and answered simply, ''You'll see.''


''Nico's Pizzo's.'' I read out loud. We were stood in front of a Italian restaurant, mainly pizza's, I had guessed from the name. After twenty minutes in the car I still couldn't get Harry to tell me where we were going, this was not what I was expecting.

''The owner thinks he's very clever.'' Harry spoke, from behind me. ''I thought we agreed not to go to food places where the food can't really be called food anymore.'' I asked, turning around to face Harry. Harry just chuckled, ''This food is edible, I promise.''

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