•Camping Part 2•

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Bakugo came out when his blush was gone

When Bakugo left his tent people were already cooking their dinners. Most people were just cooking hotdogs over a fire Todoroki lit with his quirk. Some people like Ida or Momo were making things that was a bit more complicated. Bakugo just decided to sit down on a log and cook a couple hotdogs over the fire as well.

When he sat there was only a free seat next to Jirou. She had already finished cooking though and was eating the food she had cooked. Bakugo took a stick and a hotdog and put the hotdog on the stick. Putting the stick over the fire as the then started to cook it slowly. Slowly turning it to a color that signaled it was done cooking.

He grabbed a bun and set the hotdog in it before grabbing some ketchup and putting a little on it. Taking a bit and slowly eating. Thinking about what had happened. Kirishima had kissed his cheek, his crush kissed his cheek. At the moment all he could think about was "fuck shitty hair and his fucking face for making me feel like this"

(Time skip by the real Kiribaku starts now!)

When dinner was done everyone had to go inside their tents. Kirishima and Bakugo went into their sleeping bags and as everyone slowly fell asleep they stayed awake talking quietly.

"Bro, do you think it would be cool if we snuck out?!" Kirishima whispered excitedly. "It would be cool to explore the woods at night!"

"No! We're gonna get fucking lost if we do that shitty hair!" Bakugo hissed quietly back.

"Awe your no fun Bakubro! We could've explore the forest together!"

Bakugo had just laid down. Trying to ignore the other that kept talking about how cool it would have been.  Shortly after a while Kirishima and Bakugo had come up with the topic of love. Somehow. Bakugo wasn't really pleased as he didn't really feel like getting outed for loving his friend.

When Kirishima asked the question "do you like anyone?" Bakugo shook his head no. A dark blush prominent on his face.

"Hell no shitty hair!" He exclaimed defensively. "Why would I like anyone in this fucking class anyway?! They're all idiots" Kirishima slowly nodded, looking down after he knew Bakugo had finished.

"So he doesn't like me"

Bakugo then asked the same question to Kirishima "So, do you like anyone shitty hair?" He asked

Kirishima was just looking down at his lap, letting them sit in an awkward silence as they both awaited his answer. Finally, after a couple of minutes Kirishima nodded "but he would never like me back."

After a bit they both decided on going to bed, going on top of their sleeping bags as it was a bit too hot for the two inside them.

In the morning the two found each other basically in their arms. Kirishima has Bakugo in his arms, his hands and arms around his waist. Still sleeping.

Bakugo wasn't facing Kirishima but he knew if he wanted to, he could move without him waking up. Bakugo though, his head was kinda leaning back into his chest anyway. His face was bright red as Kirishima started to wake up. Bakugo noticed and turned around, looking up at Kirishima.

His face was as bright as his hair! Maybe even darker...but that wasn't the point. They slowly got closer to each other, kissing softly and sweetly. Soon being called by Mr.Aizawa from the outside of their tent to wake up and come out for breakfast.

The two separated and smiled a bit. Embarrassed. It was rare to see Bakugo smile like this too. It was unlike him. Getting up and leaving the tent, ready to start the day. Excited for when they both had to go back to bed.

(A/N: no nothing sexual dirty minds. Cute wholesome cuddling goddammit)

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