chapter six

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song: love is (not) easy by chase atlantic

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song: love is (not) easy by chase atlantic

Newt and Thomas stood outside the cafeteria, out of the flow of lunchtime traffic with their hands clasped together.

"I wish I could stay for lunch, but I have to go do some test correction shit." Thomas mumbled, looking at his feet.

"It's okay, Tommy, I understand and I'm sure the others will too."

"Are you sure? I can reschedule them or something."

"I'm sure. Get them done now so you don't have to worry about them."

He sighed and Newt snaked his arms around him.

"You're gonna do fine, no, you're gonna do great. I believe in you."

Thomas pulled away for a second to press a kiss on Newt's cheek.

"Thanks, Newt. I'll make it up to you, I promise!"

"Don't worry about it." Newt smiled and stepped back

They waved to each other before Newt walked into the cafeteria, finding that he already was missing Thomas.

When he got to the table, Minho was there with a serious expression written all over his face and Teresa looked quite exasperated.

"What's up?" He dropped his tray on the table and took a seat.

"We're here to talk buisness, Newt." Minho replied.

"What do you mean? You're kinda freaking me out, did I do something wrong?"

"No, Minho just likes being dramatic." Teresa said.

"I am not being dramatic. Anyway, as I was saying business."

He paused, Newt raised an eyebrow and Teresa covered her face with her hands.

"You have a crush on Thomas."

"Excuse me?"

"You, Newton Isaac Jones, have a big fat crush, on Thomas Edison Greene."

Newt blinked. "No I don't."

"Don't lie to me, I know you do. "

He sighed. "Ok, maybe I do."

"Not maybe."

"Fine, I do! Happy?"

Minho smirked. "Yes."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, it really is."

Newt groaned and buried his face in his hands.

"Don't worry, Thomas is oblivious as all hell."

"Is he?"

"You could literally write 'I have a crush on you' in rainbow letters on your forehead and kiss him and he'd still not realize it."

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