chapter three

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song: what a heavenly way to die by troye sivan

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song: what a heavenly way to die by troye sivan

    When his alarm went off the following morning, Newt felt like he didn't sleep at all.

    He smacked at his phone until the sound shut off and sat up, rubbing his face. The room was dark, Thomas still asleep.
Newt slid off his bed and unplugged his phone, reading the time. 4:25.

Why the hell did I set that so early?

Sighing, he grabbed his uniform from his dresser and went to the bathroom to shower.

    As he waited for the water to heat up, he noticed a few neon sticky notes stuck on the mirror, all written in messy black ink.

"You're going to be amazing :D" one read.

Another below it read "You got this!"

The final one was "I believe in you <3"

Newt smiled at the little notes, fingers brushing over the words.

They're probably not for you he thought, chewing on his bottom lip. He hoped that they were. Then again, who else would they be for?

He waved his hand in the stream of water, testing the temperature before undressing and stepping in.

    When he got out, he pulled on his uniform and wiped off the fogged up mirror with his towel before using it to dry his hair. He clicked open his phone to check the time. 5:10.

    Newt looked back in the mirror, running his hand through his hair and smoothed out his shirt. He smiled halfheartedly at his reflection. He tried to convince himself that there's nothing to be worried about. He read the notes again, taking a deep breath.

"I can do this." Newt said quietly, looking back to the mirror and nodding to himself. "I can and I will."

Reading the notes one last time, Newt left the bathroom.

    Thomas was still asleep, so Newt grabbed his sketchbook, sat at his desk, and clicked on the small lamp. He attempted to keep the light from being too much of a disturbance to Thomas. He opened to a blank page and tapped the end of the pencil against the paper, trying to think of what to draw.

    As he looked around the room, he noticed an unframed picture on Thomas' side of the desk. Curious, Newt carefully picked it up and squinted at it.

It was the picture of them from the ice cream parlor.

    Newt admired the picture, eyes scanning over every little detail. He turned the photo over, realizing that there was something written on the back. The date was written in Thomas' messy handwriting along with their names and the name of the parlor. It was all followed by a small heart.

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