"Oh hey mate..." he said to them, walking off and leaving me alone with Ed fucking Sheeran. Thanks Max. I picked my drink up from the bar and took a long swig, needing that bit of liquid confidence (as You Me At Six would say) to get me through.

"Don't know how you survived a tour with The Wanted lads" Ed half-joked, "they're a handful"

"Handful? They're like fucking five-year-olds" I muttered, glancing over to Max who had left me alone with my fucking idol. How was I supposed to act in this situation? Doesn't he know I'm socially awkward?

"So how long you've been into music then?" Ed asked, making conversation.

"Erm, since I was about eight, my mum took me to see S Club 7 and I thought they were amazing" I explained, making him chuckle, "don't know why you're laughing, S Club 7 were fucking awesome, you know" I teased.

"Well, I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit of a fangirl for them" Ed winked.

Yes, Ed Sheeran winked at me.

"A fangirl? I was an avid S Clubber back in the day, I'll have you know" I told him, making him smile.

That wasn't even a lie; I still have all their albums in my bedroom at my mum's.

"Anyway, my great-auntie used to go traveling around the world, she was a crazy lady, died in a fatal skydiving accident, no joke" I continued, making Ed raise an eyebrow, "but one day she bought back a guitar for my brother but he was only six and couldn't even spell 'guitar', never mind play it" I smiled, "so my mum gave it to me instead"

"And the rest is history"

I smiled and nodded.

"I'd love to listen to you sing, you know" he said to me, making my heart jump, "see what all the hype is about"

"I didn't realise there was any hype" I said honestly.

"Well, Max seemed to be singing your praises, and your boyfriend too"

"Don't listen to anything they say" I chuckled softly, "I don't"

At that moment, I felt someone clumsily loop their arms around my neck from behind. I got ready to slap them but when I turned my head, I saw Nathan looking back at me with a lazy smile on his face. I felt a small wave of relief as I gave him a small smile back.

"Hello gorgeous" Nathan grinned, before pushing his lips down against mine. I kissed him back for a second before I remembered that Ed was still stood there and could see Nathan's display of affection towards me. I pulled away momentarily, but he started kissing me again. I could taste the alcohol on his mouth and knew that his public affections were than likely caused by intoxication.

"Woah, easy there, tiger" I half-joked, pushing his shoulder, "how much have you had to drink?"

"A lot" he giggled, (and yes, you read that right- he giggled).

"You want me to take you home?"

"No" he whined, pouting like a stroppy child, "don't be boooring"

"Remember when I said they were like five year olds" I said to Ed, who smiled in amusement.

"I'm not five, I'm twelve"

"You look twelve" I corrected, "if you were twelve, we wouldn't be in a relationship"

Nathan let out another small giggle before tapping my nose playfully, "perv"

"Okay, come on" I sighed, deciding that I should at least get Nathan away from Ed so he didn't embarrass me anymore with his tipsy behaviour, "er, I better get him some water or something" I said to Ed, "it was lovely talking to you"

Nathan and Sophie Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें