Sick Days

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Evie -

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Evie -

Mirror, mirror, what does our future hold? Show me what happens when our stories unfold.

Rain and Evie -

Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world


I wake up and immediately feel overheated. I fling back my covers. My throat feels weird. When I go to speak it completely shuts down. Okay it's a cold. I've somehow caught a cold in the middle of summer Great. I move off the bed and grab my slippers. I gave my cough sweets to Evie when she got sick. Let's just hope no one else is in the hallway. I bang on their door but no one answers. Usually I would shout but well y'know. I bang harder the fear of someone finding me in my pyjamas swirling in my mind

"What do you want!" Mal greets me, she looks a mess. I point to my throat. She looks confused

'Can't speak,' I mouth little noise actually leaving me.

"Oh gosh," Mal finds the sweets and hands them to me. Evie's probably in the shower or something.

'Thanks' yet again nothing comes out, she nods and holds the door open for me.


I'm lucky it's Sunday today because I woke up even worse than before. My nose is blocked and I've got a terrible cough. If I just stay here all day, no one will notice. My phone makes an obnoxious noise so I pick it up. At least today I can speak. It's a message from Ben.

Bennyboo - You free today? x

Princess (what Rain is in Ben's phone) - no, sorry. I'm helping Evie with some designs. Why do you need me?

Bennyboo - Nothing, I'll text you later. Xx

Now I just need to miraculously get better today.


Nope. I can feel my lungs being pulled upwards. Who gave me this cold? Everything feels heavy and my body aches. I can't go to lessons today; I've only got two hours sleep. I pick up my phone and dial the number if you need to tell Fairy Godmother something about attendance or an absent day.

"Hello Rain dear!" Her cheery voice is giving me a headache this early in the morning.

"Hi, FG," my voice is still croaky but It's not as bad at Saturday.

"Oh dear, are you okay," I sniff

"Not really, I've got a really bad cold and can't go to lessons,"

"I can hear that. Do you want me to inform Ben or Ruby?"

"NO!" They can't know, I'll be babied for the whole day "sorry, I mean, they don't need to know. I'm sure I'll be better soon,"

"Okay dear, get better,"

"Thanks," and with that I hang up on her.

I get a text from Ruby seconds later

Pastel princess - do you want to have lunch together today?

Rainy day - I would, but I'm super busy today. Sorry!

Patel princess- it's cool, I get it you're a busy woman.

Rainy day - more like over-worked teenager who needs a good night's sleep. x

I fall back into my pillow and pull the covers up.


"Oh my Gosh Rain!" Rub's voice wakes me from my not so peaceful sleep "how are you sleeping under those covers in this heat!" I open my eyes and find her standing over me, a takeaway tea in her hands. She puts it on the side and rushes to my side "I'm calling Ben,"

"What ?! no!" I fall into a coughing fit.

"Listen to yourself," she pulls out her phone

"Hi Ben,"

"Ruby, they'll never find your body!" I splutter out through coughs

"Yeah, that's just Rain having a coughing fit on her bed,"

"I hate you," I burry my face under one of my pillows. Blocking her out.


"I'm going to kill you both," here they are. My boyfriend and sister fussing over me making sure I'm okay. Ruby ripped the covers of me earlier, forcing me into a ball. Apparently, the tea should sooth my throat, when I protested saying it's too hot, I was told to shut up by Ruby because 'you need to sweat out the cold'.

"No, you won't" Ben places his hand on my forehead to check if I'm still warm. I lean into it and make a noise of disagreement when he removes it.

"You're like a cat," Ruby comments, currently making orange squash since I refused the tea.

"I'll bite you in a minute,"

"Please refrain from killing your sister," Ben pulls my hair into a loose messy bun "1) the paperwork 2) I would probably have to marry Audrey" me and Ruby shudder "3) I don't really want my girlfriend in prison."

"Wow, I was last," Ruby comes back over with one of those bottles where the temperature is the same as it entered. My mind is to dizzy to think of the actual word.

"I swear she's more annoying ill," Ruby mutters

"Yep," I glare at Ben.

"It wakes up her fight or flight response," Jay and Carlos enter, followed by Mal and Evie.

"Oh look, it's my friends!" I glare at Ben and Ruby who laugh.

"How you feeling?" Evie asks

"Like I'm a baby," everyone laughs at that.

"Awwww, she sounds almost not threatening," Carlos coos.

"If you're here to make fun of me, leave,"

"Bye," my so-called friends all say before pretending to leave.

"I'll cough on you all," I breath in and let out a fake one. Everyone jumps back. I put my head back and close my eyes "serves you right,"

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