Hooked On Ben

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"Another VK in Auradon? Are you the piratey one...? Do you have a hook?" Ally seems too intrigued in CJ

"Harry has the hook," I inform her.

"Wait a minute. All of the bad things that have been happening around here. It was all you?" Mal steps forward.

"Oh, stop. You'll make a girl blush. Actually, I'm kind of offended that you didn't figure it out sooner. Rain was figuring it out. That's why I had to start framing her,"

"Where's Ben CJ?" I threaten.

"Wave hi, Benny!" CJ waves upwards and we watch as Ben falls from the ceiling.

"Ben! Oh, my gosh!" I go over to him, starting to untie the rope.

"So, Rainy, what's first: storm a castle, take prisoners, maniacally laugh in people's faces?" I hear her well, manically laugh in Audrey's face. " Oh, we're going to free the hostages. Interesting choice, but you and your mom have always thought outside the box,"

"CJ, why would you do this?" Mal steps forward again.

"Why wouldn't she," I mumble still trying to undo the rope tying up Ben.

"Exactly! We're villain kids. It's what we do." CJ gestures to me and her .

"You really should lock your stuff away. Stealing that mascot uniform was like taking candy from a baby." CJ address Jane, then turns back to me

"And, Rain, framing you with the bracelet was just icing on the old cake. I tried ruining your party dresses, but it seems these 2 VKs have gone soft. " CJ points to Mal and Evie

"They just had to... What is it you, Auradon kids, call it? Save the day." she goes over to the centre of the small semi- circle we had created "Oh, and let's not forget the no-shows. I gotta hand it to you, Miss Bibbidi-Bobbidi, over here. A pumpkin car? Not my thing. But you pulled it off." CJ goes back to me - again.

"Rain, you could of done so much better, but I get it, you're the only one not gone soft," CJ stage whispers and winks at me, addressing the others again she continues her speech " Stealing the carpet from you two was probably the most fun I'd had yet!"

"You stole the carpet? Nice! You know, maybe we can meet up after your hostile takeover. You can give me some pointers." Jay tries flirting, everyone turns to me when I snort.

"Quiet. I'm soliloquizing,"

"I didn't know, you knew long words," CJ smirks through my insult.

"Oh, Isle Rain is definitely still there," she points with flare "Anyway, time for the grandest of them all: cutting that DJ cord, so our little Freddie could have her moment in the spotlight. It was the least I could do as a thank-you for sneaking me into Auradon," Freddie is leaning casually against the DJ set.

"Surprise," Freddie waves slightly.

"Told you!" I gesture wildly to Mal and Evie. They both still look at Freddie in shock.

"Ow, that's my ear you just screamed into," Ben winces.

"Sorry," I kiss his cheek.

"You've been hiding CJ this whole time?" Mal points accusingly at Freddie.

"I can explain!" she tries to defend herself.

"So, can I. She was following orders. Freddie is my second-in-command," CJ walks over to said traitor.

"Uh, no. We're partners,"

"Exactly. I tell you what to do and you do it." she wraps her arm around Freddie "Partners!"

"Excuse me?" Freddie gets out of CJ's grasp "I spent my whole life living' in my dad's shadow. I'm not gonna live in yours too!"

"I get it. My dad never let me steer the ship either. But we don't have to be like our parents," She, legit just proven our points. WHat?!

"Exactly!" Mal steps forward again "We make our own choices,"

"We can veer starboard on a squall together!" CJ puts on a terrible pirate accent.

"uh, translation," I'm still untying Ben but this is honestly more interesting.

"Partners? For reals!" CJ puts her hand out, Freddie shakes it.


"We're going to pillage and plunder together!" The awful pirate accent is back. I let go of the unusually tight rope and over to Freddie

"You know, I expected you, but I had hope. I thought we were friends," I can hear the hurt in my own voice.

"We are friends," Freddie takes my hand.

"Then why are you pillaging and plundering me? Okay, that just sounds weird,"
"Because her captain commands her to pillage and plunder,"

"Still sounds weird,"

"Can we go back to you commanding me? That's not very partnerly," CJ always tried to take control of me when we were stealing for the shop. I just put her in her place.

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing,"

"Because it is..." oh, I forgot about the others...

"I know the AK's are lame -" Freddie is cut off by Audrey

"Excuse me?!"

"Where's the lie?" I look to little miss princess.

"...but at least they don't go back on their word," she points to me, currently in my usual crossed arms position.

"I'm disappointed in you, Freddie. I thought you were badder than this. Looks like I'll have to be partner-less in crime," she snaps her fingers and the magic carpet arrives "So long, squarest of them all!" and with that she's gone.

"I'm sorry about that. I guess for being kinda lame... Auradon is kinda cool. Do you forgive me? Are we... still friends," Freddie apologises.

"If we didn't forgive every friend with a conniving stowaway, we wouldn't have any friends," Mal walks towards us.

"I don't think I'll ever understand you, people," way to ruin a moment.

"Shouldn't we go after her?" Jane pipes up from the corner.

"I don't know. Freddie, are there any other surprises we need to know about?" Mal asks

"None from me,"
"Well then, let's go after her tomorrow," I dismiss with my hand.

"She may be a criminal, but the bigger crime is wasting this awesome neon lights party. And I think we may know a little bit about crime. Right, Evie?" I cringe at Mal's Joke.


I turn to Ben and snap my fingers. The rope unties and he falls to the floor

"Sorry!" I put my hands over my mouth in shock.

"Let's have a wicked good time! Group selfie!"

"No," My refusal to Mal is only noticed by Ben. He drags me down to the middle with him,

"Smile," I look up to him, and put on the fakest smile possible. He bops my nose. And that's how the photo turns out. Us in our own world in the middle. That habit of his is really going to cause us some problems.

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