Carpet Jacked

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"Don't worry, guys. I am sure that Jay and Carlos will be here any minute," Mal assures Audrey and Jane who are stood by the door.

"You said that fifteen minutes ago," Ally accuses

"I'm sure they're just around the corner, Evie then turns to make eye contact with me "I just hope that corner isn't on the other side of Auradon," we know how those two can be.

"How big is this carpet they're picking us up in? I don't do crowded," Audrey being Audrey.

"The world doesn't revolve around your needs,"

"it's a mid-size, so we'll be fine. But from what I've heard about Jay, I'm sure it's stolen"

"Jay doesn't steal!" I defend him to Jordan "much..."

"We're going to be riding on a stolen carpet?" Audrey sounds more like Jane with that attitude.

"All right! This party just got interesting," Freddie rubs her hands together. I love to disagree with her but she's right.

"What's the wind situation like on this carpet? Should I be worried about my hair?" It looks the same as it always bloody does. I focus on my breathing. In out, In out in...

"No offense, Mal, but the VKs are clearly not coming through today. Sorry. "

"What?!" everyone looks to me

"Where you not paying any attention?" Audrey judges

"Sorry dear, I was trying not to murder you on the spot"

"It's alright," Mal 'says to comfort either me or Ally.

"Normally, I would let you or Rain help out, but whenever you get involved it leads to disaster. No offense,"

"Okay?" she needs to stop

"It's because you destroy everything you touch. No offense."

"So, do you know what 'no offense' means? Cause I'm starting to take more than some," I glare at Ally.

"Please don't take it that way. It's only I don't trust you, no off..." I raise an eyebrow "sorry. Jane, what do you say? Can you bibbidi bobbidi us up some transpo?"

"Not a word," I burry my face into my arm which is lounging on the side of the sofa. I can't take the anymore. Don't get me wrong I love the girls - except Audrey. but I want it to just be me, Jay, Carlos, Evie and Mal again. I have to zone out otherwise my brain might explode

"Bibbidi bobbidi! Whoa," I bring my head up and look outside. A pumpkin sits on the road. Everyone starts complaining and Jane looks overwhelmed. I stand up and cross my arms

"Guys! Let Jane do her thing. Go ahead, Jane."

"Thank you! Like Cindy's pumpkin carriage, a legend to us all... an even sweeter ride shall take us to the Neon Lights Ball!" The pumpkin transforms into an ugly looking car. That's the best she could do? I could have done so much better. Who here can even drive?

"Sweet ride! wait, this veggie car is carved right. I'm not going to get nasty gooey seeds on my dress, am I? "Audrey, yet again being a nuisance. Everyone starts filling out.

"Nope. All clear. And it's green. Runs on vegetable oil!"

"Great! We'll all show up to the party smelling like salad dressing" Joran jokes. I think

"Nice work, Jane. You know, me and Rain couldn't have done it better ourselves," I could of.

"Aw, it's nothing. Just bending the laws of the universe, by my mother's forbiddance! "Jane leaves and it's just me, Mal and Evie left.

"I can't believe that Carlos and Jay flaked," Mal mumbles Me and Evie put a comforting hand each on her back

"I know. And we've been working so hard to get people on our side!"

"Speaking of that. Hasn't it been a lot harder since Freddie arrived," They both look shocked but I catch Mal nod slightly.

"If you, ladies, don't get in here, I'm gonna turn into a pumpkin," I hear Audrey's obnoxious voice come from outside, along with a car horn. I guess she's driving.

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