Evie's Explosion Of Taste

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Evie -

Mirror, mirror, what does our future hold? Show me what happens when our stories unfold.

Rain and Evie -

Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world


Our first Heroes and Heroines festival, and I'm in a stuffy tent painting with Mal. On the Left is her drawings and stuff, whilst on the right there's a large painting of the night sky with my Mum's flowers as stars. Along with some of my other work. Mal is concentrated on her spray painting whilst I'm using an actual brush on a painting for Lonnie. It's her in a dress holding a sword, with a makeshift, collage backdrop. I used pastel watercolours to make the flowers I originally drew to leak and make a tie-dye kinda background.

"You have to help me!" Evie comes running in, holding an interesting tray of cupcakes.

"What's the emergency?" Mal asks, a smile on her face.

"This!" Evie exclaims

"Cupcakes?" I question, putting down my paint brush.

" I volunteered to make cupcakes for the carnival, because I heard that last year everyone loved Audrey's. They were like explosion of deliciousness. And I thought 'I can do that,

and everyone will love me, and tell me how fabmazing I am. But none of that's going to happen, because I can't make cupcakes!" Evie moves her hands and the tray about during the rant, and I notice the cupcakes turning colours. I'm sure she meant to do that. Hopefully.

"I mean it's not like I made cupcakes on The Isle of the Lost. Evil minion bakers did." Mal puts a comforting hand on Evie and I cross my arms.

" Remember the awesome ones we had at my birthday parties?" Uh oh.

"I wasn't invited,"

"I wasn't allowed out," me and Mal both blurt out at the same time.

"That's because that was a mean thing to do and on The Isle of the Lost being mean was being nice."

"Uh-uh." Mal mumbles, clearly not impressed, along with me.

"What exactly did you fill these with?" I look down and point at the glowing cupcakes.

'The say baking is a form of chemistry, so I decided to combine all of the periodic elements" oh Jesus. I raise my eyebrow This girl needs serious baking lessons.

" I probably should have left out the sulphur," Mal nods slightly, I turn back to my drawing.

'You have to help me. Use your magic!' Evie shouts at me.

'No way. I'm trying to be good, remember?" I don't want Ben thinking any less of me. Or knowing that I'm using magic.

' Magic for a good cause is automatically good." 'Ummmm I don't think it really works that way,"

'Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please," she gets down on her knees and I turn away.

"You're not gonna stop until one of us help you, are you?" Mal rhetorically asks. Can you even. Do that?

"Yep!" She continues and I'm starting to crack but then Mal does.

" Okay, okay, fine! I'll do it" she sees me side eye her "But just this once," I turn it watch the disaster that is sure to happen.

"Oh, magic spell book," Mal starts

"I've always wondered what ununseptium tasted like," Evie commented, if she keeps talking Mal will lose concentration.

"Make no haste and turn Evie's cupcakes"

"Ewww!" Evie bites into the cupcake and throws it outside.

"into an explosion of..." a green smoke fills its way in from outside.

"What happened?" Evie clings to me suddenly.

'You didn't let me finish the spell!" Mal shouts "Instead of an explosion of taste, we made an explosion of..." Audrey appears on the door, green splattered all over her.

"Cupcakes," I finish for Mal, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

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