Letting it Sink In

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A few nights thereafter...

Inside the seclusion of his improvised quarters, Thundercracker blinked to change the small TV's channel once again. For the past few days and nights he had watched the screen of the tiny device, paying particular attention to the news stations. Mostly reports of rebuilding cities and the local weather; neither of which concerned the Decepticon. He was more interested in hearing anything pertaining to Cybertronian "sightings" or "captures". The couple of reported sightings were too vague to give him any idea of whom it might be or IF the reports were to be believed. If news bore no interest he would switch to something else; anything that caught his interest or simply to kill time. To be blunt human broadcasts were a sea of worthless dribble with a few islands of worthwhile information.

He blinked to signal a channel switch a few more times; news...sitcom...sitcom...reality show...news...cartoons...nature program. Thundercracker paused at the nature program as the even toned narrator illustrated what was transpiring. On the screen a fledgling bird of some kind was flapping its wings, balancing precariously on a tree branch.

"When the parents are not around, the young owl chick ventures from the nest, eager to build up its wings and one day take flight." The narrator explained.

The owlet flapped its underdeveloped wings fervently and despite it all the crazy bird jumped. Of course it didn't fly, but hit the ground.

"The owlet will attempt many of these jumps to strengthen its wing muscles. Should it remain on the ground for very long a predator would quickly pick it off. On the ground, there is no hope of survival for this flier."

Thundercracker changed the channel but then the sound of the truck pulling up outside made him mute the set. In a few second Lana appeared from behind the tarp.

"Hey TC. Brought you your Energon." she announced.

Thundercracker expelled air through his vents and made a gesture with his hand. Then he parted the tarp "door", reached outside, and took the Energon cube from the back of the truck. He looked at the pink liquid and watched it slosh against the cube sides but he didn't consume it.

"Not hungry?" Lana asked, noticing his hesitance.

He frowned and shook his head.

The young woman nodded and glanced at the TV which looked ridiculously small sitting in front of him, "Enjoying the TV?"

He grunted.

"I could bring out another movie for us to watch." she offered, "Maybe something better than the last one?"

The Decepticon leaned into the shed wall and shook his head again whilst he stared at the Energon.

Lana, taking the hint that he was in no mood for chit chat, nodded and said, "Ok...well, good night then." She took a step for the "exit" but then stopped short, remembering, "You do know Daddy is going to have you help him tomorrow?"

Thundercracker's red optics turned to her.

She shrugged, "It's been ten days...I'm just giving you the heads up."

The mech turned from her and seemed to resume his watch over the TV. Lana again took the hint and left. After she was gone, TC held up his arm, examining a particularly large gouge in his metal. It appeared a tad less gaping than it had in previous days.

Good...his repair systems were finally showing signs of function.

In fact some of his minor scrapes and cracks were repairing very well despite never being put in a restoration chamber. But not everything was fine. With a sullen move of his hand he touched the ragged edge of his wing stub. He grimaced at the horrible texture. Once they were as smooth and pristine as a brand new protoform's plating. Now they were nothing but shredded reminders of his non-existent status. His hand fell, disgusted by what it felt and then looked away from the incessantly chattering TV with bitterness. Was THIS was how he would live; a broken traitor, wasting his life away?

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