Running Away

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A/N: I will be giving credit to the AHM comic book for some of the lines spoken near the end. Normally I DETEST taking others words, but since I'm giving due credit and the plot of AHM is integrated into my story I will write it anyway.

High in the sky...

"Beijing...dumb name for a city." Skywarp mumbled as they flew. "Where do these humans come up with such lame names? New York, Chicago...they don't make any sense."

The blue jet flying beside him made no comment.

"Hey! You awake over there?"the black and purple jet snapped.

"Yeah...dumb names." was TC's noncommittal reply.

"Well if the internet is correct Beijing is packed with humans; tighter than wires in a sensory panel." Skywarp commented, "One shot and BOOM! Ten thousand dead humans. This will be easy."

The blue jet merely dipped its coned nose in acknowledgement.

"Uggh. Just sickens me we have to do it with those Insecto-freaks."

"They're Decepticons like us Warp." Thundercracker reminded him.

The dark jet snorted, "Like us? Ha! They're barely Cybertronian! Merged with some disgusting organic codes...I've splattered better things than them on my cockpit glass!"

Thundercracker honestly had no positive feelings for the Insecticons either, but they did make their contributions to the battles. That is, when they weren't devouring everything in sight and torturing the minds of anyone they could get their claws on.

"Who knew it would be this easy?" Skywarp laughed, "Megatron's plan is brilliant."

Thundercracker barely heard his comrade as he was more focused on his secret passenger. For the past several minutes Lana had been trying to escape his cockpit and it was starting to make his circuits unsettled.

Little fists pounded aggressively against his radar screen, "Take me back down! NOW!"

Finally the blue jet angled downward and away from Skywarp.

"HEY! Where are you goin? Beijing is THAT way!" the teleporter protested.

"I'll catch up. I uh...need some fuel."

Skywarp sighed and if he were in robot mode he would've shrugged, "Whatever. Don't take too long! I don't wanna get stuck with those bugs the whole time!"

The two jets parted, the black one heading out over the ocean and the blue diving toward the mainland. It wasn't long before Thundercracker swooped in low over the remains of Los Angeles, finding a quiet road near the outskirts to transform. His cockpit hissed open and Lana all but tumbled out into his hands.

"Put me down." she snapped without looking at his face.

"Lana, I'm sorry." Thundercracker said solemnly, "I didn't want this to happen."

"But it DID! killed innocent people and destroyed my home." she cried.

Thundercracker shook his head, "I didn't have a choice."

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