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Later near nightfall...

Heather was tense as a wire fence as she sat in the cockpit of the blue fighter jet. The older woman didn't know how to react. She sat in the leather padded seat, hands in her lap, and breaths bursting quickly from her lips. She seemed prepared for any unexpected movement this robot might make against her. The woman would briefly steal a glance at all the complicated devices and panels in front of her but would quickly lower her gaze.

How did this work exactly? Could he see her like this? Where was his head? Did he work just like a real jet or were all those buttons just for show?

She had no intentions to pester this "Thundercracker" while she was riding inside him. She had the distinct feeling she would meet the same fate as a spider caught in the bathtub should she provoke him. Her frantic ruminations on her Cybertronian chauffeur were soon interrupted by his rumbling voice.

"Lana's creator?"

She cringed visibly and whimpered as if his very voice could destroy her.

"Relax." he paused, sighing in his vents; "I already told you I'm not going to kill you."

"Relax he says." Heather whispered, "You're not trapped inside the cockpit of a living jet thousands of feet off the ground."

"Eight hundred fifty."


"We're only at an altitude of eight hundred fifty feet." he corrected. "You're afraid of heights?"

Heather gave a rapid nod.

"Lana liked to fly..." he mentioned. "But only if I didn't do stunts."

Before the woman could ask him about Lana, he angled downward. She braced herself.

"WH—What are you doing?"

"We have to cut this search short. I need to report back before anyone gets suspicious of my activities." the deep voice explained.

The jet gracefully hovered next to a tall hotel building and before Heather could get a proper scream out he transformed and deposited her in his hands.

"OH!" the middle aged woman screamed as she flattened herself against his palm, "DON'T DROP ME! PLEASE!"

He covered her with his other hand to reassure her, "Don't panic. I'm not going to drop you."

With a flick of his finger he opened the sliding glass window of one of the rooms, breaking the security bar easily. He gently placed the shaking woman inside.

"I will return an hour after the sun sets. Keep the windows covered and don't go anywhere."

The giant mech transformed again and shot off into the orange sky, leaving Heather dazed and confused about what she'd gotten herself into.


Several miles away...

Lana dropped down behind some piled up cars, eyes darting frantically. She could hear the tank, but the echo of the empty street was misdirecting its location.

Was it on the same street as her or was it on the next?

For hours she'd been ducking and dodging the persistent Decepticon tank who'd taken Kia and Reggie mere hours before. He'd disappeared for awhile and then came back; probably searching for the humans he'd failed to catch. Lana had been trying to leave the area but every time she'd make headway the Decepticon would poke its turret gun out from behind a building and send her scrambling for a hiding place. It was truly a game of cat and mouse; a game she hoped she wouldn't lose.

A Human Friend (Sequel to A Pet Squishy)Where stories live. Discover now