Megatron smiled darkly, drinking in the sight of his forces so eager to fulfill his commands. Up until this point the humans and their precious planet had been safeguarded by the Autobots. But now with them gone Earth was their training field; their playground for conquest. The humans with their second-rate defenses and inconsequential governments would stand no chance against his forces. The human world would fall.

Megatron gestured to his Second in Command, "Starscream, scramble the aerial strike forces. We have a world to conquer."

For once, there was no argument or second guesses from the Air Commander. A sinister grin flashed from his dark face.

"Decepticons, transform and follow me!" he screeched.

The jet commander transformed and the others did the same before launching with a mighty roar out of the Nemesis and straight for the mainland.


New York City, mid- morning...

Thundercracker knew this day would come. He had known since they first came online years ago on this flat mud ball known as Earth. A few years ago he would've had no qualms following the orders of his superiors but as he, Skywarp, and Starscream blazed a screaming path between the skyscrapers he felt the familiar tug of doubt at his Spark.

Below him and his trine lay the metropolis known as New York City, the largest human city on the northern continent. It was an ideal target of iron, steel, glass, and masonry, filled to capacity with humans and a perfect stronghold to launch attacks. As one the trio landed in Times Square, their feet calamitously ripping up the streets like soft grass. Starscream strode out ahead, blowing up every car lining the busy street and sending floods of screaming humans running for their lives.

"Look at them run!" he grinned, "Our very presence fills them with terror!" (AHM)

Thundercracker cringed inwardly as the Aerial Commander crunched several fleeing humans beneath his feet and incinerated dozens more in his path. His callousness was almost disturbing. The humans couldn't even fight back. Nothing the little organic creatures did could stop them and now no Autobots would be saving them at the last second.

Skywarp and Starscream were about to get into a verbal banter when suddenly Megatron landed with ground shaking force just ahead of them. It was rather uncommon for Megatron to appear in the heat of battle like this but Thundercracker knew his leader would not sit back during this conquering; his black hands would be just as soiled as theirs. Starscream commented on Megatron's presence, showing submission yet subtly jibing his leader as he always did. Of course Megatron responded with a snide comment of his own before unleashing a huge blast from his arm cannon into the base of the nearest skyscraper. Glass and metal shrapnel exploded out into the streets as the blast took out the huge building's supports. The blue Seeker watched as the mighty skyscraper groaned loudly before leaning over and smashing into the smaller buildings across the street; a once proud glass and steel beast felled by the might of the Decepticon leader. Then Megatron marched on completely indifferent to the havoc he had just created. Thundercracker merely looked on as the devastation continued; the piercing sounds of screams and sirens filling in the gaps between the thunderous explosions. Thundercracker redirected his somber gaze to the ground. Blackened corpses littered the streets, contorted into horrible gestures of suffering. The asphalt was grotesquely painted with hot organic fluid. Thundercracker's mouth plates twitched as he marched slowly between the devastated buildings. This first paltry handful of attacks was only a lure, a way to draw out the human military for their own demise.

But where was the honor in this senseless slaughter?

As far as the blue Seeker could tell there was none. Honor lay dead in the street along with the humans.

A Human Friend (Sequel to A Pet Squishy)Where stories live. Discover now