Chapter 2

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As the sunlight peeped over the rims of my stable door I awoke with a urge to rise and stretch my aching joints but my muscles refused to respond so I just lay there with straw cuddling at my sides and not a ration of hay in my stomach. I had no energy. No fight left to use. I felt broken...

Very soon I could hear trucks and trailers moving around outside and horseshoes clattering up on ramps of the big moving creatures. Grooms came in taking heaps of tack and rugs with them and not one stopped to look over my stable door. I heard buckets being dropped, voices calling to one another and items being chucked into places. Once the sounds died down I managed to slowly crawl to my feet, swaying as if a slight breeze was rushing into me. I poked my dusty head over the stall door and peered around. Not a single horse was in site, every item from grooming kits to feed was gone. All stalls were clean and swept except mine and not a single human tread there foot onto the solid flooring. I was well and truly forgotten about.

Millennia went by before I heard anything more than a mouse or a barn owl. I heard a car and not a off beat one, I was positive that it wasn't anyone who knew me from the stables. A beige car pulled up next to the oak doors and a gentleman and women stepped out onto the dusty ground. I resided back into my stall for fear of pain for looking over the door. I was always smacked or hit as someone walked by, even when I was in a haze of daydream. They checked over the stalls inspecting that they were all clean and had no damages in them, when they both came to my door they had to squint and lean over a little bit to see me as I shifted restlessly in their stare. The lady slowly opened the door, clucking her tongue softly at me. I was confused and hesitant as she crept closer, 'was she here to hit me, love me, or care for me?' I thought to myself. She stopped a short distance and brought her hand towards my whiskers, letting me smell her scent and see her properly. Once I had a good sniff she walked away from me and brought back a halter. The calm sweet manoeuvring of her hands made me almost shove my head in the halter. If she had the respect to be kind and gentle then I had the respect to be kind and gentle back. She gently slipped the halter over my dirty ears and clipped the throat latch shut. Next she pulled on the lead rope coaxing me forward. As a natural reaction I snapped at the air around me and reared lightly but she did not lessen her grip on the rope, so I did it again but yet she still gave me no release. I swayed forward and felt the line relax... It was the release that I was looking for and she held the key.Cautiously I took a step towards the door and let he lead me out, her foot steps matching mine as she lead me down the isle towards the barn door, a little hop sprang into my step as we neared the door when suddenly we burst into the sunlight and I could see clearly again the world that I had been kept in for so long. The man that came with her flipped out a little box and pressed it before putting it towards his face and talking to himself. The lady stood on the end of the rope petting me and scratching my forehead which felt like an unbearable itch had just been taken away, I leaned closer into her hand closing my eyes dreamily.

After a full few minutes the man came off his ear box thing and wandered over to the lady. I was to relaxed to care to listen to them but the bases was I was being moved and to be cared for like a real racehorse and if my stables didn't want me I was to be prepared for a claiming race where someone would leave a deposit for a horse before a race and then collect the horse even if the horse lost the race. It was the easiest way to get rid of unwanted horses apart from the glue factory.

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