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a/n: can you guess by the song what kind of chapter this is going to be? *winky face* i actually really love this chapter lol


"I just wanna watch you when you take it off
Take off all your clothes and watch you take them off"

I shut the door behind me as I threw my bag across the hall. My father was out of town for a few days, which is why I was able to use my car. My mother actually didn't mind if I did, she rather has me driving safely than get in some stranger's car. In other words; she didn't agree with my father's punishment but refused to tell him. However, she was not in the house right now.

Looking at the light pink roses in my hands, I sighed. I walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a vase out of the top cabinet. It was a small bouquet, so luckily it didn't take up much room. After filling it with water, I grabbed the kitchen scissors to arrange it. It still stunned me that Billy hadn't forgotten what my favorite flowers were, even though we had never spoken about it. I just drew them and he apparently paid attention to that.

To be completely honest, I hadn't expected him to fight for us. I should've because he told me he would never let me go. But at the moment, I just needed to do what Neil told me, to keep him out of trouble. It took everything in me to not run back to him and tell him how much I loved him.

When I finished arranging the flowers, I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the kitchen table. I might as well get some homework done while the house was nice and quiet. I got started on History, working through the day. I even finished some Biology work. This way I wouldn't need to worry about getting stuck on work.

The night carried on like any other. My mother came home, made dinner and we ate in silence together. She asked me the normal questions, but it was almost like we lived in a cold war. She walked on eggshells around me. I cleared the table after dinner and did the dishes. When I came back into the dining room, she was already gone so I went ahead and went to my room.

Once I got inside, I put all my school supplies back where they belonged. I decided to take a shower, stripping off my clothes. I turned on the water before stepping under the stream, feeling the hot water falling over my shoulders. I washed my body and my hair, taking my time. When I stepped out of the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. Gosh, I was exhausted.

I got ready for bed slowly, doing my usual night routine. After combing my hair and putting my face cream on, I rummaged through my closet to find something to wear for bed. I came across a light blue shirt. I recognized the smell immediately, only one person wore this specific cologne. I put it back into my closet, grabbing another shirt.

Just as I walked towards my bed, someone tapped on my balcony door. Or better yet, almost punched the window through. I didn't even need to look twice to see who it was. I wanted to run to the door and lock it, but he had his hand on the knob before I did. He opened the door, but he didn't come in. He just stood there, in the pouring rain.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I leaned against the doorframe, just enough so that I wouldn't get wet. But I could see all through the rain, that he was upset. His lower lip was trembling and his hands are shaking. Seeing him like this broke my heart.

"Finding out the truth," he answered. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to come in, but he was too far away for me to reach out it seemed. Was he angry?

"I already told you-..." I started, but he cut me off.

"Stop lying to me, Grace. I know the truth," he sighed. I stepped out on the balcony, making my way closer to him. I needed to know if he was bluffing or not.

grace | billy hargrove [#1]Where stories live. Discover now