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not as long as usual, but i hope y'all still enjoy! linked above is a video i made, please watch it if you'd like :). happy update! i added a new character! you might've already seen his name flew by, but he'll get a bigger role real soon. check the introduction chapter to see who it is :)


"This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?"

We kissed.

Most of the time I wouldn't get this hung up on a girl, but Grace was not just a girl. She really had me captivated about her. She made me want to be a better person. I was starting to become soft, to become less Billy and more William.

I watched her while in Biology, seeing how she was drawing in her sketchbook. I never asked her about her art. She didn't look like the girl that would be an aspiring artist, but neither did she look like someone who'd curse, smoke or drink. She could surprise me anytime.

She liked it like this.

I caught myself repeating her words over and over in my head. She wasn't like any other girl, that would jump to conclusions about whether I did like them and when I could meet her parents. She just let it all happen, not filling in the future. Another thing I liked about her.

The bell rang, signalizing it was time for second period. I'd be heading towards Economics, while she went to Math. Sadly, we only shared Biology together. I grabbed my books and waited for her by the door.

"I'll walk you to class." I offered. She smiled at me, being thankful. I didn't want to push anything, because she might become apprehensive.

"See you around lunch?" she asked. I caressed her cheek, seeing the peach color creeping up again.

"Sure." I answered. She gave me one last look before walking into the classroom and sliding in her seat next to Steve. I quickly walked to Economics, already being late.

The next hour was boring without her. I didn't really pay attention, seeing as I never even did any homework. I knew my GPA was slipping but did I really care? Of course not, I had better things to do. But ever since Grace started about college, the question had been in my mind. Her words repeated in my head, you could go for a scholarship. A scholarship in what? Being a douche? Cause then I didn't even have to try.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the bell. The teacher yelled something about having homework, but no one really paid attention as well all left, ready to get to lunch. As I walked out, I grabbed a cigarette and my lighter, ready to light it when I got outside. I rounded the corner when I saw Grace and Steve talking, staying back to hear what they were saying.

"What's up with you and Hargrove?" he asked.

"I don't know, guess we're just going with the flow." she answered. I liked that she wasn't afraid to hide me from her friends.

"The flow? Grace, you're way better than this guy." he said, sounding harsh.

"He's not the same with you as he is with me." she tried to explain herself. I saw she rolled her eyes – a habit she had that I despised. She seemed to realize she didn't owe him anything.

"That's what you said about Peter too." Steve growled. Wait, who the fuck is Peter?

"Steve, I don't need you looking out for me. I am perfectly able to do it myself and I also date whoever I want. It's none of your business, to be honest." she snapped at him. That's my baby. I smiled, being proud that she was standing up for herself.

"Okay, just look out, please?" he made her promise. She said something that sounded like a yes, but I didn't hear because I sped outside, making it look as if I had been there for a while.

I sat on the bench next to the parking lot, smoking my cigarette. Next to me was my lunch bag, but I didn't want to start eating yet as I was waiting for Grace. The doors went open and she walked out. Multiple people greeted her, some even complimenting her on the outfit she wore today – which was a summer dress with flowers, a denim jacket and some slip on's for shoes.

She sat next to me, pulling out her brown paper bag that involved grapes and a mini sandwich with tomatoes and cheese. I happened to know that, cause that's what I had been seeing her eat since I met her.

"Don't tell me you're going to do homework." I sighed when I saw she moved around the papers in her bag.

"I'm not. Looking for napkins." she told me. After she had finally found them. She turned to me. "Hi." she smiled at me.

"Everything alright?" I asked her, thinking about the conversation she had with Steve only a few minutes ago. I wanted to ask her all about it, but that meant she had to know that I was eavesdropping. Which she could not fucking know. Ever.

"Yeah, don't I look good?" she said confused.

"You look very pretty, don't worry." I complimented her. She started to blush and took a grape out of the paper bag, eating it. While eating she looked around the parking lot, seeing all the people that went outside to enjoy the sun while having lunch.

"Billy, why are you staring?" she teased without looking at me. I shook my head.

"Are you going to eat this?" I fired back, pointing at her sandwich.

"Go ahead." she gave it to me and I took a bite. I did not know her mother, but she made terrific sandwiches.

The rest of lunch was spent talking. Or actually, she was talking and I just listened to her. She told me about her parents, her home. How her dad worked all the time and her mother was doing the chores. She was an only child, which wasn't always pleasant. She and her parents never really had family over or visited family.

"How about your parents?" she asked me. The last time she did, it ended up in a fight, because she spoke about my mother. After that, I felt bad about it. How could she have known that?

"It's just my father, my stepmom, Max and I." I answered. No one really knew about my home and it wasn't anyone's business either.

"Do you like your stepmother?" she kept asking. She knew she was on dangerous territory, but she did not care.

"I guess. Susan is fine, she's not in the way." I said, playing with my lighter.

"I hope they're good to you." Grace quietly said. I looked at her, wanting to know what she meant by that. "Because that's what you deserve. To be treated good."

The bell rang, signalizing it was time to get back to class again. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, grabbed her bag and walked inside again. I hadn't even answered her comment.

What did she mean with good

song at the beginning is: somewhere only we know - keane

grace | billy hargrove [#1]Where stories live. Discover now