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the drawing that grace 'drew' is of course not hers, i found it on google and it's from Amanda Patamakanthin (it's actually with color but i only used the sketch). all credits go to her, she really did an amazing job :).


"Nothing's fine
I'm torn"

When I walked back into school Monday, my anger had not passed yet. I couldn't believe that Billy actually eavesdropped on a conversation with me and Steve. That was private information, the information he could've asked me about and I would've maybe told him! But now that he had taken this route, I didn't want him to know ever.

Nancy had been talking non-stop about her romantic weekend with Jonathan. Apparently, he had asked on a date and they had a pretty good time. I was half listening, sometimes saying how happy I was for here. But my mind was mentally preparing for first period. Where I'd see Billy again. Eventually, Nancy went to her own class as I arrived at Biology.

He didn't show. The seat next to me was totally empty. He was either on a rampage and didn't feel like it, or he was just a coward and didn't want to see me. I flipped through my sketchbook to find a blank page when I came across the one I made of Billy. It was his side profile, the way I saw him the first day. The image had been stuck in my head and I needed to draw it. Now I wanted nothing more than to rip it out and throw it away.

After second period, I joined Nancy and Jonathan for lunch. They talked about everything and nothing, sometimes making a joke here and there. I was major third wheeling. They didn't ask me one question, but I was also just reading my book, minding my own business. I just had to get through another two hours and then I could go home.

History and Math were a bore. I didn't pay attention one bit, which I usually always did. After History, I paid my locker a quick visit and then made my way to my car. I wanted to get home as soon as possible. Just as I was passing the many cars on the lot, I saw a familiar redhead standing. She looked a little lost.

"Hey Max, are you alright?" I asked her. She turned around and looked at me.

"Hey." she smiled at me. "I think so, I can't find Billy anywhere." her eyes darted to the spot that his car was usually parked in.

"Oh, well, I can give you a ride if you want?" I offered. I knew Billy hadn't shown up all day. He must've let her believe he went and then left after she had gotten to class.

"Thanks, that'd be nice." she said. She took her skateboard and together we walked to my car. I put my bag and books in the back of the car, Max doing the same. She sat next to me, in the passenger seat.

"You have a really nice car." she commented as her hands went over the dashboard.

"I know, it's kind of my baby." I smiled at her. I started the car, backing out of the lot and making a right turn to the Hargrove's.

"I guess I don't have to tell you where I live, huh?" she softly said. I know she just meant it as a joke, so I chuckled a little.

"I've never actually been to your place." I admitted. Billy had seen mine because he had stayed the night and before that he took me home twice.

"Oh, I thought you and my brother..." she trailed off. I could sense she didn't want to make me angry. Poor girl must be treated like dirt by her brother.

"Yeah, me too." I said.

I had to admit, it made me sad to think about whatever Billy and I had was over. I really started to like him and he was changing. He was turning into someone nice, showing me his insecurities and telling me his secrets. And then it was all shattered in mere minutes.

grace | billy hargrove [#1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن