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"My baby she like to rock
My baby she like to roll
My baby she can dance all night
My baby got no control"

"So, Tina is throwing a party tonight." Nancy said as we waited for Steve to get here. He was always a little later. Nancy had been trying to get me to go to parties ever since she started dating Steve, but I still had no interest.

"Have fun." was all I said. She laughed and shook her head, looking away.

"You know, that Billy guy hasn't stopped looking at you." she said. I turned around and looked straight at him. He quickly looked away, trying to save the embarrassment. "Come to the party tonight, please. Maybe he'll be there."

"That's exactly why I don't want to come." I said. I saw Steve walking towards us, unlocking the car allowing him to step in. He gave Nancy a quick kiss, before stepping in after us.

"I thought you were trying this new and improved version of Grace?" she noticed. She had a good point there. I would turn a lot of heads if I would come with them.

"New and improved?" Steve questioned while backing out of the lot. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Grace has decided to become tough." Nancy proudly beamed. I laughed.

"I just want to be less boring, I guess." I quickly explained to Steve. He nodded approvingly while switching lanes. "But if I come, then I need my mom to think I'm staying over at yours. Or she and my dad go crazy."

"Sure! No problem. Tell her we're having a girls night." she backed up the lie. I leaned back into the car seat.

"So, you'll join us?" Steve asked hopefully. He had already caught on.

"Fine." I gave in. They high fived each other. Let's hope this won't turn out to be a bad idea.


"I cannot wear this." was the first thing I said when I saw the outfit Nancy had forced me to put on. It was way out of my comfort zone. Especially the shoes.

"Why? You look hot." she body checked me. I remembered when she and I would never go to parties. That was until Junior year when we befriended Steve. She was the first person to attend them and get drunk occasionally. Now it was my turn.

"This skirt is super short." I whined. Nancy rolled her eyes, grabbed my wrist as we sat on the bed together.

"Grace, why are you being like this? Don't you remember that night at Steve's? You had so much fun!" she encouraged me. I shivered at the thoughts of that night. The night I completely let go. "And what about Peter? He was a reality check."

"Peter has been over a year ago. I am not like that anymore." I stated.

"That's a lie and we both know it. You have been the perfect student all year, now it's time to live a little. We're seniors, we gotta enjoy this time! Collage and being a grown-up will come later." she pep talked me. She had a point. I should be a normal teenager for one night, that wouldn't hurt anybody.

"Alright, but I want to wear tights!" I argued. She nodded and handed me something that looked like tights.

"They're fishnet tights." Nancy said when she saw me looking confused. I put them on and they actually looked really good. I liked the girl that I saw in the mirror. She was confident. Maybe this Grace would be able to take on the world.

grace | billy hargrove [#1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant