Chapter 44

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This will be the last story plot thingy before the sequel! Sorry for the wait!

"So, Martha's asleep, just landed in London night we left," the Doctor began, "You should sleep more."

"Sleep is boring." She moved closer, biting her lip seductively. "I can think of much more interesting things to do while we're awake." Before Celeste could do anything, the Doctor, unknown of the drug's brief relapse, moved closer and placed his lips on hers.

Celeste played with his hair, tugging at the ends until he moaned against her mouth. The Doctor was going slow, but she wasn't in the mood for slow. The jacket he wears was tugged off and thrown somewhere.

Blindly, the two stumbled into the Doctor's room and fell onto his once neat bed. Everything was rushed, full of fire, and the Doctor pulled away, much to Celeste's dismay. His eyes darkened with something she wasn't familiar with.

The intensity made Celeste snap out the relapse and sit up, horrified at what was happening. "What's-?"

"That was a relapse. Of the drug," she said, her voice weirdly high, "I have to go." Not even waiting for the Doctor to say anything, just flat out running out the TARDIS.

The cold night air bit her face, but Celeste kept running to her TARDIS, disguised as an 'out of order' telephone booth. Once there, she slid down the door, realizing she left the keys in her locker at the hospital.

Celeste sighed and knocked on the door, not really expecting it to open, but it flung open like it was unlocked. Her TARDIS hummed at her arrival. Thoughts flew in and out her head like always. New ideas, places to go, people to see, events to attend, but she never expected one phrase to come back more than once. Those three words.


For a sentence being so little, it meant a lot. This is too quick. Not enough 'getting to know you', too different, too much arguing. I sighed again.

Never in 800 years have I even considered saying...those anyone outside my family.

Stupid drug. Why couldn't you give me Sleep?

The Doctor was my "friend", nothing more.

But you've kissed.

That's just heat of the moment.

You kissed him a couple times.

So what?

You have feelings for him.

No I don't.

Then why are you so insane about this that you're arguing with yourself?

I snapped out of it when my phone buzzed. It was cool because I placed a perception filter on it to either mask it before it was invented or pick a phone from the time period.

From Martha:

Hey, where are you? So Tish is working for some guy who wants to 'change what it is to be human' and the Doctor wants to check him out. The reception's at 7 at Lazarus Laboratories.

To Martha:

Had to check on my TARDIS so I'll meet you two there.

It was 4, according to my TARDIS. Time really moved differently when you're in a TARDIS. My timestream was being particularly loud, but I shrugged it off and began to get ready.

My hair was put up with strands hanging loosely and a headband around my forehead. The sleeveless maroon dress fell to the floor elegantly and I wore gold Converse. What? You think I can run in heels? No one can do that.

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