Chapter 34

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It's been a month since I last saw the Doctor. The coordinates he gave me were ordinary and I'm assuming he wanted me to wait till he showed up.

Normal life is refreshing, but lately, I know that if nothing happened, I'd most likely go crazy.

My first friend, Martha, was in my classes for becoming a doctor. I could probably take the exams and get the highest score.

But that might cause suspicions. I'm already walking around in a hospital full of stethoscopes with double the heartbeat.

Martha's family was scattered with her parent's divorce due to some nasty business with Clive, her father, and a young skinny blond, Annalise. Her brother and sister always ask Martha to mediate, but even the Doctor couldn't bring peace to that family.

I walked slowly to make sure that I didn't spill any of the coffee I had just stopped to get. She had just hung up the phone and smiled at the coffee. "Leo's party will be a diaster," Martha groaned, "You're still coming, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I promised. Before we could continue our way to the hospital, out of nowhere, Converse Doctor walked up. "Like so." With that, he took off his tie. "See?" Smiling briefly at me, the Doctor walked away, much to my amusement.

She looked around strangely and turned to me. I rose my hands in defense, smiling slightly. Well, this day just got more interesting. We set off walking again until we arrived at the Royal Hope Hospital.

Once inside, a tall person clad in moter cycle gear pushed past us. "Oi! Watch, it mate," Martha cried. The figure turned to stare at us, then walked on. I glared at his retreating figure, my nose crinkling.

My locker was bare with a couple of pictures. One was Martha and me at the bar with her brother, Leo, and sister, Tish. I even had one of Bow tie. He didn't know I was taking a picture before it was too late.

The Doctor was staring off into nothing, deep in thought. Martha teased me and tried to pry who he was out of me, but I just gave the vague answer of 'friend in another city'.

Other than that, it was just my TARDIS keys and doctor coat. I slipped it on and shut the locker door. A tingly feeling of static electricity went through my fingers and lingered before disappearing, making me frown. What could have conjured it?

Instinctively, I grabbed my sonic screwdriver, checked to make sure that no one was there, and scanned the lockers.

"Smith!" A rude voice interrupted my scan's completion. Sighing, I put the sonic back in my pocket and turned to the guy who just came in. Oliver Morgenstern, fellow student.

"Yes, Oliver?" I asked in a bored tone.

He smirked tauntingly. "Mr. Stoker is wondering why his prized student is late." I rolled my eyes. Morgenstern hated me for two reasons: 1. I'm ranked higher than him in grades, and 2. I don't return his affections. After a week of knowing him, he insisted that he join Martha and me for lunch, but he basically intimated his love for me.

"Tell him I'll be right out," I promised. Morgenstern nodded curtly and swiftly exited. I checked the sonic. Scan 13% done. Groaning, I left for the orthopedic ward to join the group. I whispered to Martha, "Did I miss something?"

"Just salt deficiency," she muttered. I nodded and noticed the curtain around the bed. Mr. Stoker drew the curtain away to reveal the Doctor with Converse, smiling happily. Martha looked at me, recognizing him from earlier this morning, but I just shook my head in faux confusion.

"Now then, Mister Smith," Mr. Stoker paused, "We have a Miss Smith here. A very good morning to you. How are you today?"

The Doctor looked at me, smiling when he heard my name choice. "Oh, not so bad. Still a bit, you know, blah."

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