Chapter 29

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"Oh Amy, why won't you help yourself?" Rory and Amy are both in the Temporal Engines room. He's trying his best to get Amy to change her mind.

"He wants to rescue past me from thirty six years back, which means I'll cease to exist," she replied grimly, "Everything I've seen and done dissolves. Time is rewritten."

"That's, that's good, isn't it?" He asked, confused, "Celeste would be back."

"I will die. Another Amy will take my place. An Amy who never got trapped at Twostreams with Celeste, an Amy who grew old with you, and she, in thirty six years, won't be me." She was reluctant to change her mind.

"But you'll die in here!"

Her response was immediate. "Not if you take me with you." She continued, "You came to rescue me, so rescue me."

Rory checked, "Leave her and take you?"

The Doctor cut in, "We could take this Amy with us, easy, but if we do, our Amy has to wait thirty six years to be rescued." He paused before adding, "And there's no more Celeste."

"So I have to choose," he huffed, "Which wife do I want?"

"It's more than that," the Doctor corrected, "If you choose one, Celeste might be dead."

"She is me. We're both me," Amy persuaded, "I don't want Celeste if she's not the one I know."

"You being here is wrong. For a single day, an hour, let alone a lifetime," Rory sighed sadly, "I swore to protect you. I promised."

The Doctor started to comfort Rory, but he turned around and said, "This is your fault."

"I'm so sorry, but, Rory-"

"No, this is your fault! You should look in a history book once in a while, see if there's an outbreak of plague or not," he tried to hit the Doctor where it hurts the most. "If you did, we wouldn't have lost Celeste to it. Her death is your fault!"

The Doctor ignored the last part, knowing it was his anger talking. "That is not how I travel."

"Then I do not want to travel with you!" Rory took off the glasses in a rage of anger and threw them on the floor. The Doctor looked defeated. He could hear their Amy crying.

His head shot up. The Doctor could hear their Amy crying. And Celeste comforting her. His heart rose with hope and he called out, hoping Rory could hear him, "Rory, is the Time Glass still on? If the link's still active, I think I can hear Amy. Our Amy with Celeste."

Rory checked and sure enough, he could see their Amy crying with Celeste comforting her. "Oh, Amy," he sighed.

Back in Temporal Engines, Rory approached the older Amy stolidly. "Look me in the face and say you won't help her."

She insisted, "I will not help her."

"Okay, okay," he accepted, "Look me in the face and say it now." Rory held up the Time Glass so Amy could see younger Amy weeping with Celeste desperately trying to get her to stop.

Younger Amy seemed to hear him. "Rory? Rory is that you?"

"Rory, where are you?" Celeste worriedly asked, "I can't handle a crying Amy!" Older Amy smiled a bit at that while Rory answered, "Same place as you, and a bit ahead."

She gasped, "I remember this."

"But who's she? There's no one else here" Younger Amy looked at Celeste, wondering where she was, but Celeste guessed. She shook her head, warning her not to ask.

Rory the Handbot handed the glasses back to Rory using the hooks.

Younger Amy struggled, "Why are we still here?"

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