Chapter 40 - Adrenaline

Start from the beginning

"Why don't we just kidnap him like we did with Asher?" I ask from the corner of the room.

"We're not storm troopers", Sasha says to me. "Also, we don't know what he is capable of."

"When we were fighting him it looked him he could control the minds of all of his followers", I tell them. "He probably has some kind of mind ability."

The group of people nod at my comment and start coming up with a plan to catch him off guard. "What if Kaylee and Lucas just keep going to school as normal and don't show him that ithey know", one of the woman says. "Then we can catch him off guard at school when hes exposed and he won't be expecting it because he thinks we don't know."

"That will work", I tell them. "What about Asher? Do we just keep him here or what?"

"We'll keep him in our cells for now", Shasha decides. "We are technically the police for supers and he is the key to our knowledge of the people doing crimes, so it's legal."


The next day when we arrive at school the boring atmosphere is gone and the school is awake with talk about the kidnapping of Asher. People make rumours about what Asher did for the main two Super Heroes to come and take him away. As we walk past a group of girls I overhear them talking loudly.

"He probably helped rob a bank or something", she says.

"No, someone said that Golden Ghost claimed he murdered someone", one of her friends replies.

I look down the hallway and watch as Heather spots me. She runs up to me and lauches herself into my arms. She starts crying and I pat her on the back. "I put two and two together", she says with a croak. "You wouldn't arrest someone over nothing, plus the rumours of what you took him away for sound similar to what happened", she then says in a whisper.

"I can't believe I trusted him", she says and I let her talk. "And then he went and helped those people take me away, they even killed..." She chokes on Aiden's name and stops talking. I look at Lucas and tell him I'll see him later.

I take Heather's hand and lead the teary girl to an empty classroom. "You deserve to know everything seeing as you're involved in it all now", I tell her and sit down on one of the desks. "Asher was instructed to get close to you so that they could kidnap you easily because you're my friend."

"I'm so sorry for putting you in danger", I tell her with guilt laced through my voice. "I don't know how they figured out that I was Golden Ghost, but I'm sorry for putting you at risk because of the work that I do."

"No, it's not your fault", she says and takes my hands. "You didn't know that they would go that far."

I nod with a with a shy smile. "Thankyou for being my friend even if I'm a secret crime fighting super that causes trouble", I say and giggle. She smiles and taps my shoulder.

"We better get to class", she says and we make our way to our first class.

The last class of the day is with Mr Popwell and as I walk in I try not to glare. I sit near the back and soon Lucas plonks down in the seat next to me. He looks at Mr Popwell with a sigh and thinks to me, "It's annoying me that I can't just punch him in the face now."

I laugh and watch as people file into the classroom. All throughout the class I notice Mr Popwell glancing at Lucas and I every couple of minutes. We put on our best acting skills and hopefully he believes the front we put on. As we walk out of the class his gaze is on us, but we talk happily together and don't even pay him any attention.

Once we step out of the classroom I listen for his thoughts and read them once I find them. "They didn't even send me one glare, if they knew then they would be killing me by now." he thinks and I smile. I look at Lucas with a thumbs up when we are out of site and he sighs with relief.

"I thought I was going to die", he says and pats his chest. "Do you know how much adrenaline was going through me? It took so much effort not to just hit him in his stupid face."

"At least now we have a chance to catch him by surprise", I say and smirk. "We should take up careers as actors."

"We basically already are", he says and I look at him with confustion. "We have to act like we are normal everyday."

I nod my head with agreement and we make our way to the parking lot. "Wanna head to The SS?" he asks and I hop into his car.

"Yup", I say and put my seatbelt on. I wait for him to turn the motor on, but he doesn't. I look over at him and his eyes lock with mine. "What?" I ask.

"I forgot something", he says.

"Back in the building?" I ask and open the door, "We can go get it if you want."

He pulls me back into my seat, pulling the door shut again. "No, I was meaning to do something, but haven't had the chance", he says.

"Oh?" I say, "What is it?"

"This", he says and before I know what is happening his lips are on mine.

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