Chapter 14 - Burn baby Burn

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"The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn."
- David Russel

The next day I come to school with Heather and once getting to my locker we stop and chat

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The next day I come to school with Heather and once getting to my locker we stop and chat. Caleb soon joins us, smiling like he doesn't have a care in the world. We ask him why he's so happy, but he doesn't tell us, assuming it's probably something to do with a girl or a video game we leave him be, letting him wander around in his own little happy world.

I hear the ring of the bell over the murmur of voices and Heather and I make our way towards maths. We walk in, greeting Mrs Smith on our way through the door, and make our way to a couple of seats near the front of the classroom. With me seated by the window and Heather beside me I drop my head onto the desk with a thump. My eyelids feel as if they're getting pulled down with bowling balls, having stayed up quite late watching movies with Heather last night.

As soon as the whole class is there, I force my eyes open to pay attention to the class, noticing Hee-Chul and Asher now sitting in the row behind us. I look to the whiteboard to see Mrs Smith start writing something about trigonometry. I finally force myself to properly wake up and actually concentrate, opening my notebook and copying the writing on the board onto my blank page.

The class is filled with the sound of chairs scraping on the ground and talking as the bell rings and everyone prepares to leave. "Kaylee can I talk to you please before you go", Mrs Smith yells over the noise. I make my way over to her desk and once everyone has left, she starts talking to me.

"You looked a little distracted today Kaylee." She states and I smile at her.

"I went to Heathers place last night, sorry miss, I was a bit tired", I smile at her with guilt.

"Oh no that's alright", she starts. "But I've noticed something different about you for a couple weeks. Sometimes it's like you're not totally here and there's always something else on your mind."

"Oh, right..."

"I hope nothing has happened at home or anything, you can talk to me when you need to Kaylee", she tells me with concern.

"Oh no, nothing is wrong, just... you could say I'm going through something a bit new to me." I tell her, not lying, but not telling her everything. She looks at me strangely before writing a note to my next teacher and dismissing me.

I make my way to my next class, passing the note to the teacher, explaining my lateness. I make my way to the only person I know in the class, Lucas, and sit in the empty seat beside him. I notice that he's still wearing gloves but choose to ask about them later, instead of breaking his concentration. I start paying attention to the class after reading the whiteboard and finding that we are studying genetics, one of my favourite topics in biology.

After some long hours of learning I find myself sitting in between Caleb and Lucas at the table full of basketball boys plus my small group of friends. Beside Caleb is Damon, which I find strange as I never thought they would find each other enjoyable as friends. But as I see them chatting, I subconsciously find myself reading their minds. My eyes widen and my mouth slowly parts as I find the reason for their sudden friendship.

Caleb turns to look at me, "What?" He then asks. I shut my mouth and smirk at him, wiggling my eyebrows up and down. He slaps my arm and whispers to me, "How did you find out?"

"I just guessed, you two look pretty close already", I whisper back. He goes back to talking to Damon with a slight blush on his face, something only I notice.

"What was that about?" I jump as Lucas whispers in my ear. 

"Nothing", I reply in a sweet voice, knowing that if I tell anyone Caleb would probably kill me. I grin at Lucas and it makes him even more curious.

I go to ask him about his gloves, but before I can someone else beats me to it. "So, Lucas, what's up with the gloves?" Carlos says from across the table.

I see Lucas tense and put his hands under the table, hiding them from sight. I can tell he's uncomfortable and it's killing me not knowing why.

"Fashion", Aiden states with a grin on his face before Lucas can say anything. Can't let anyone find out. I hear him think, and wonder what we can't know about. I shrug off my curiosity before it gets the better of me and go back to eating.

After school my mum is still working, so I change into my costume and make my way out of the house and into the city. Once I'm a bit away from my house and there's no one watching, I fly up, scouting for trouble from above. It's something I've seen in movies and read in books but never tried, just because it seemed useless and if you think logically, what's the chance that you'll randomly just find trouble?

Just as I was thinking this, I saw a pillar of smoke, rising in swirls somewhere to my right. I fly towards it and land in front of a bank. "Another bank", I mumble to myself. The doors are wide open, the smoke rolls out in waves and floats up into the sky.

I decide to be brave and walk into the smoke, trying to see if there is anybody in the building near me by listening for thoughts. Once I get into the building smoke fills my lungs, and I struggle not to cough. I can see, but with the smoke in the way everything appears to have a grey tinge.

I then hear a thought far away, or at least I think it's a thought until I realise it's someone yelling. I make my way through the lobby of the bank and down a hallway, following the trail of smoke. I start sweating as it gets hotter and hotter, indicating I'm getting closer to the fire. I see thick smoke coming out a slightly open door to my left. So, I push it open and cringe as a wave of heat hits me.

I walk into the room to see a large man with a huge bag, piling money from a safe into it. There are fires around the room, but the smoke and heat don't seem to be effecting him as much as me. I notice his outfit and almost laugh at the ironically villain-like costume.

"Shut up!" I hear him yell and I turn my head to see 3 people sitting tied up on the floor in the corner of the room, screaming into the fabric that covers their mouths. They notice me and start making more noise. I put my finger up to my mouth, signalling them to be quiet. I roll my eyes as they continue making screeching sounds, too focused on getting saved to think logically.

The man turns around to see what the commotion is and before he can spot me, I fling my hand out and the money bag flies out from his grip, landing on the floor beside me. I am greeted with a fireball in return, barely dodging it as it crashes into the wall behind me. I read his mind and predict his next moves, while also trying to work out what powers he has.

He's a fast thinker and I dodge as another fireball comes my way, but I'm not fast enough. I hiss as I look down at the hole in my sleeve, and the burnt skin beneath it. I use my telekinesis to hold him in place and he struggles in a bubble of stillness. I take deep breaths, as the pain from the burn gets more intense.

I hold him in place with one arm and make my way to the hostages in the corner. With my free hand I take off the ropes and free them. They run out of the room, too scared to thank me. I stand up quickly and look back to the man I'm still holding but the movement makes me lose my grip. I hold my head as I get dizzy and stars form in my vision. I shake my head and I can see clearly again.

The man isn't there, instead there is a large hole in the wall from where he escaped. The bag of money still lies at my feet, but I fly out the building before the police can get there. I clumsily find my way to the top of one of the tall buildings, not quite sure which one but I can't care less. Just as my feet touch the concrete I collapse and everything goes black.

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