Chapter seven

Mulai dari awal

You never even took that test

It was on Friday, you were kidnapped on Wednesday.

What a waste of time..

She was already home.. her car was in the driveway... and you were actually pretty excited. This was the first time in a while that she was home before you... maybe you guys would get to talk on the way to your room.

Maybe you could ask her how her day was...
Maybe she would ask you about yours...

You didn't remember the last deep conversation you had with her... in fact... you didn't even remember if you guys had even spoken that week.

You get up before her to get ready for school, she got home late and usually went straight to her room.

You walked through the kitchen door, your heart pounded with excitement.. finally... maybe this was your chance to become.. friendly with each other...

You walked towards the living room... holding on to the frame of the walk way.

She was sitting on the couch, her purse next to her, cigarette in her hand, the smoke bellowing as she sat in the darkness, the tv light illuminating her face...

Her face... you didn't even remember what she looked like...

What was her eye color...? Was it the same as yours...? Was it brown? Blue? Green? You couldn't remember if you tried..

What did her hair look like? Was it short? Long? Did she wear it down? Did she wear it up...? What color was it

You had no memory... only a slight silhouette in the darkness... just something for the light to bounce off of...

"Hey mom..." you mumbled out.. but she didn't look at you.. she didn't turn her attention from the tv..  "um... how was work today..?"

Nothing, not even a glance...

"Um... mom..?" You dared to ask, speaking a little louder this time...

In response she breathed out loudly, sucking in air. She sighed and muted the tv.. finally turning her attention towards you.

"Yes.. y/n..?"

"I.. um.. i noticed you home early.. uh... how was work today..?"

"It was good." She turned her attention back and you felt a slight pang in your chest.

"Well.. what did you do..? Why are you home early..?"

"I worked... what did you think i did?"

"Oh.. that sounds-"

"Do you need something..? Need me to sign something? Did you get in trouble? What do you want?"

That took you back a bit, but at least the conversation was going somewhere.

"What? No nothing.. i just wanted to talk to you.. i saw that you were home early so i just thought-"

Another loud sigh cut you off.

"Can we talk later..? Im tired i don't wanna talk unless you need something.. can't you see im watching something here? I just got home a little while ago i want to relax."

That hurt... but you didn't know why.
Shouldn't you be use to this by now?

"Uh yeah.. sure.. i guess ill see you tomorrow" you said quietly but quickly and you quickly walked past her and down towards the stairs.

You gripped the stair case as your hauled yourself up the first few steps, the tvs sound returning behind you..

You continued to climb up the stairs... feeling embarrassed....

Lonely ( Ticci toby  x reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang