Chapter ten

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(Im graduating college today lol)
Lonely part ten

It was cold in your room now... colder than it should have been and colder than you remember it being when you fell asleep. You woke up slightly, your mind still being foggy from just falling asleep 4 hours before... and you slowly opened your eyes to see your empty, dark and quiet bedroom. The window was wide open, that was strange, you did have it open a little bit, just to let some air into the room, but you didn't remember opening it that much...

You shivered a bit, man it was freezing, you could swear that you see your breath when you panted slightly. You shook the sleep out of you, and suddenly you felt really thirsty. You debated whether you should get up... or ignore it and just go back to sleep and you did have to be up in a couple of hours... but you decided that you wouldn't be able to sleep well if you were thirsty. You sat up slightly and stretched your arms out, feeling cramps in them from the dehydration. You checked your phone, and it was almost 4 am now. You slowly got up, and pushed the window closed still shivering. You took your phone with you for light, and opened your bedroom door. You look in the hallway and walked towards the stairs, looking at your moms bedroom door, which was probably locked, the lights weren't on, and she was most likely asleep.

You made your way down the stairs, with an iron grasp on the rail, and another one on your phone as the pale blue light sorta illuminated your way. You stepped down, one by one, your mind desperately wanting to fall back asleep but your body being so thirsty it couldn't stand it. You finally made your way down, and you dragged yourself into the kitchen. You sloppily and groggily looked through the cabinets, where you found a glass, and you walked to the sink where you turned it on, filling up the cup. You drank and drank and drank, like you haven't drank in weeks, and you remembered how refreshing and delicious the water was. You finished and set the cup in the sink, and turned to walk out. You grabbed your phone, and decided the flashlight would be better.

You turned it on, and you rubbed your eyes as you shown it through the kitchen and into the living room... where you swore you saw something quickly move. That woke you up a bit more... but you weren't scared right away...

"Mom?" You asked to an empty kitchen and seemingly empty living room. Nothing. You sighed a bit, you were sleepy, it was your mind playing tricks on you.

You started to walk out again, and you made it to the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, when suddenly something grabbed you, and shoved its hand over your mouth. You gasped and froze. You never really know what you're going to do, or how you're going to react when theres an intruder in your house. You would like to think that you would actually do something, fight, run or scream... but you didn't. You just froze. You dropped your phone, and it fell on its face, and the light shined up, illuminating the ceiling, you, and the intruder. You couldn't even think, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't move. You looked over at him, still frozen, and thats when you first saw him... toby, in his brown jacket, and grey hoodie, all the way up to cover his longish brown hair, his face covered in his metallic mask, wearing his orange googles, his red and black masked hand over your mouth and the other grabbing your wrist pulling your arm behind your back.

You whined a bit, and tears started to form as you desperately wanted to scream wanted to scream so loud that you woke up your mom, and the entire neighborhood, but you couldn't. You just couldn't get the sounds to come out, it was like you were in a nightmare. All you could really think was "please don't hurt me"

It seems like you stood there forever, for hours, for the whole night... but in reality it was probably for around 5ish minutes. He twitched violently, and grabbed on to you tighter. Some tears starting falling now... and your mind ran to all the ways this strange man could hurt you... you just hoped that he made it quick.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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