He did WHAT?!?!

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Bee slowly opened his optics when his optics were online he saw Arcee laying next to him in recharge. He couldn't help but lightly smile, he slowly sat up and immediately regretted it. When he sat up him helm started aching, he stood up and fell down from being dizzy. Arcee shot up and looked around seeing Bee on the ground. She stretched and stood up standing in front of Bee, he looked up at her but she looked more like a blur his vision was a little hazy after standing up. Bee was very dizzy and suddenly felt nauseous, he placed a servo on his helm and groaned.

"Sorry..for waking you"
"It's ok, how do you feel?"
"Dizzy, nauseous and I have a really bad helm ache"
"Well next time I suggest you take it easy on the high-grade, Ratchet said this would be normal you just need to relax for a minute"

Arcee sat on the floor next to Bee laying her helm on his shoulder resting her optics. Bee closed his optics and spent some time talking to Alduin. Alduin has some good story's to tell and advice to give, every now and then Bee would get to talk with Alpha Trion. Bee slowly laid back on the floor, Arcee snuggled close to him. They soon both accidentally fell back into recharge, the silence in the quarters was peaceful as well as the silence throughout the base.

That was soon shattered though, Bee and Arcee jumped when they heard a loud bang close to Bee's door. They both got up when they heard it a second time, the two walked out of Bees quarters and into the main room. Bee ducked back and pulled Arcee with him as a wrench went flying past them. As a third wrench was throw Alduin being a dog changed Bee's form and ran down the hall after the wrench. Arcee looked at where her spark mate was standing and saw him missing. Then a frame came into veiw down the hall and it revealed itself to the femme, it was Bee only in his only form. Something was in the corner of his mouth, Arcee tried to grab it but Bee lowered himself into a playful way as earth dogs did. When the two wheeler tried to reach for it again he turned and ran into the main room, Arcee chased after him lucky she was able to catch him but the bad side was Ratchet was the one who stopped him. Ratchet didn't look happy, he turned and stood in front of Bee and he skidded to a halt. Arcee came up beside Bee and saw the K-9's ears go down, Bumblebee quickly transformed back into his bot form and handed Ratchet the wrench.

Ratchet took the wrench from Bee, he turned back to Bee and something was clearly off. With in seconds Ratchet knew what it was and and smacked Bee in the back of the helm.

"Don't tell me you got her Sparked too!!"

Bee and Arcee tilted their helms in confusion, everything was blank to Bee until it all clicked and Bee remembered everything from last night. His faceplate started to turn bright red, Ratchet saw the scouts reactions and got the answer.

"Wait Ratchet you said 'too' who is sparked?"
"Elita....you might want to go see her see wanted to see you"

Arcee walked in the direction Ratchet pointed to find her sister. Bee watched Arcee disappear from view, when he turned his helm back to Ratchet the medic was fuming. Ratchet smacked Bee in the helm again harder than the last time.

"Really Bee! Are you trying to make things worse?"
"No, look last night I didn't mean to make happen I lost control. It was the high-grade"
"Sure I'll believe that one when I have proof"

Bumblebee thought about ways he could prove it, the only solution he could find he quickly threw out he felt that would be a big problem for Bee. So he just keep his mouth shut listening to the anger medic and took the blame. Ironhide walked in seeing Ratchet scolding Bumblebee, the mech walked over to the other two bots.

"Ratchet, I swear to Primus I didn't!"

"What's going on over here?"
"Bee messes up big time!"
"Ok, what did he do?"
"Do you want to tell him Bee?!"
"No, because it didn't happen!"
"Yes it did otherwise you wouldn't the acting the way your acting! Bumblebee got Arcee sparked!"
"....I don't really see the problem with that? So what if he did, I don't see the problem"
"I DIDNT SPARK ARCEE!! Did we interface, YES! Did I get her sparked, NO! If you don't believe me then you can scan her yourself! Your acting like last time!"
"Bumblebee unless you want this wrench thrown at you I suggest you stop lying!"
"Woah Ratchet chill, Your can't say the little guy is lying if you don't scan Arcee"
"My question is why your acting like this, the first time I did this you didn't give two frags if she was sparked!"
"Which time are we referring about?"

Bumblebee gave the medic a blank look as if it was very plain and obvious. Ironhide had to think for a minute before he knew what Bee was talking about. Ratchet was completely clueless about it, Hide elbowed Ratchet in this side causing him to look at the mech.

*cough* Marin *cough*

Then it all clicked and Ratchet picked up where it was left off

"That was a different time"
"No it wasn't"
"It was your first time"
"So..what's your point!"
"It was your first time so it didn't matter if you sparked her or not"
"Really!!?? I'm done, do what ever the frag you want but I'm telling you I didn't spark Arcee! High-grade doesn't Frag me up that bad!"

Bumblebee stomped off with his door wings slightly down. Alduin's voice started to echo in Bee's mind, Bee sat down in the hall and rested against the wall closing his optics and talked with Alduin.

-You ok young one?-
-No and you know that-
-Yes But it can still ask, why do you seem to be upset with Marin?-
-I'm not, me and you both know I would never be upset with her. I'm upset with the fact that Ratchet seems like he doesn't trust me when it comes to that's stuff-
-Maybe he does, maybe he's just worried for you. After all he is like your sire and carrier, he was there for you when you were young. I know because I gave you to him and watched him care for you-
-maybe, but I know my limits and how to trigger those things. I may have had a lot of High-grade but I was careful I know I was-
-I sensed you were careful, I also felt that you didn't spark her. Why not?-
-Wrong time, a really bad time for that. And I don't think I'm ready to take the responsibility yet nor do I think Arcee wants to either-
-I understand, do you think that it might happen in the future?-
-possibly, but I don't think it's anytime soon-
-that's reasonable, after all the spider femme is still out their and the rest of the decepticon fleet. It's too dangerous for a sparkling-
-If I was to have a sparkling I wouldn't want it to be born into a war like I was. I would want it to be born into a peaceful world with not fights or evil-
-that's again another reasonable answer. What do you say today we just relax, I've been wanting to rest-
-I have nothing against that, I would like that same thing-

-A lazy day it is-

Bee left his mind and sat there leaning up against the wall with his optics closed listening to all the sounds wondering one thing.

What comes next

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