Making matters worse

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Bumblebee was having a rough day, he was having the hardest time not transforming into the A.X.L. Every time he was in that form he would transform back only to end up back as a dog. He was getting really irritated by it, he eventually gave up and went into the main room instead of staying in the far back of the base. When he entered he heard a voice call him, it was Arcee.
"Here AXL"

At first he looked at her with confusion until the second time she called to him when he remembered that the femme didn't know it was Bee. Arcee was with her sisters, they both watched the creature walk over to them. It was really calm and this they were surprised by, it was like a Cyber wolf but yet it was so calm.

"It''s so calm"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"He, is one of Ratchet's creations"
"Yes, the A.X.L is somewhat like a simbiote. It can pair with a bot and obey their commands but if needed they can obey others commands. Like a human military dog, that was the idea for AXL"

"It's amazing, I want one!"
"Well he is just a prototype, once I figure out all the bugs and problems with it and get a perfect one I might make more."
"Well yes, might he is a very rare creature and simbiote's are special if I was to make a double he would not be unique. Anyway I came to tell you Arcee that Optimus needs you for patrol"
"Oh ok"

A small whimper came from AXL as Arcee headed for the ground bridge. She turned around and pet the top of the wolf's helm.

"I'll be back soon"
"Why don't you take him with you?"
"I can't, Ratchet sa.."
"You can take him, he might be helpful on the field we won't know if you don't put him out there"
"Are you sure Ratchet?"
"Yes, it would do good for him I just need to put in a tracker"

Ratchet quickly pulled AXL over to the med bay. Once they couldn't be seen Ratchet opened up the panel covering the voice box.

"Woah! what are you doing?"
"I'm going to temporarily disable your voice box, we can't let Arcee know yet because all she knows is that you are my creation that has attacked her. I don't think she even realises that you are Airachnid's minion that attacked her."
"I understand but please don't disable my voice what if I need to transform back?"
"You voice box isn't disabled on that side only this one, it is just one wire that connects it to here"
"Now sit still it will only be a second"

Ratchet disabled the wire and acted like he put in a tracker. Once he was done he walked out with AXL at his side. The medic entered coordinates into the system and opened the ground bridge. Arcee called AXL to her side, she quickly went through wanting to waste no time. AXL ran through almost knocking Arcee over, he backed up and watched the femme to see what they were going to do.

They were in a forest, this made Arcee uncomfortable she started walking towards a group of rocks. She sat down on one of the rocks looking at the medics creation that slowly came up to her.

"It's strange to be on a patrol without Bee"

AXL's ears when down slightly, Arcee looked up and noticed it picking up on her feeling.

"It's fun to have you out here, it's just...well what can you do against a spider?"

"Oh, he can do much"

The voice echoed from every direction, Arcee shot up and looked around. The femme looked beside her to see AXL hunched down and growling. Arcee looked in the direction that he was growling in and saw a shadow emerge from the darkness of the trees.

"Hello Arcee, I see you met my puppy"
"He's not yours, Ratchet made him"
"You really believe that? When has ratchet made anything like that? He couldn't fix Bumblebug's voice box so how could he make this"
"His name is Bumblebee! AXL Attack!"
"Oh please he won't listen to you"

AXL charged for the spider that stood a few feet away. He threw all his height at Airachnid pinning her to the ground.

"I'm sure if you keep telling yourself that you might just believe it"
"Shut up You glitch, your nothing but a useless femme you let the bug make you soft! And now we are going to see how you do against him!"
"Good luck finding him"
"I already have"

Airachnid grabbed AXL's throat and threw him back, he charged again but got caught. Airachnid pressed her digits into his neck, a metallic roar escaped from the creature slowly the roar turned to a scream. Shifting gears soon revealed black and yellow plating. The new figure in Airachnid's arms struggled against her grip, Bee lifted his helm to see Arcee who couldn't believe what she saw.

"Oh you didn't know Arcee? I thought for sure he would have told you seeing as you two are sparkmates. Looks like I spoiled the surprise oh well, let's have some fun shall we bug?"
"Get your Fragging servo's off me you GLITCH!"
"Now now now bug that's no way to talk to the bot that gave you a gift"
"It's not a gift! It's a Fragging curse!"

Airachnid pressed her digits into Bee's neck once again he changed into the creature he was before. She let go of Bee as he clamped down on her arm, he turned around and charged at the spider femme. She was quickly blinded, when she stood up she couldn't see him only a frozen Arcee. She started towards Arcee but was quickly stopped and yelled in pain as she felt something grab her, she looked to her side to see the red eyed minion clamping it's jaws on her side.


"I'm rearranging that plan"
"You talk!? That should be impossible"

Bee's jaws grabbed the spider femme's throat lifting her off the ground. She struggled trying to get out of his jaws, his fangs punctured the sides of her neck causing energon to leak down her neck some staining the creatures teeth.

"Pl...please..stop.. pl.. please, you wouldn't..kill me..would you?"

Bumblebee started to send his fangs deeper into her neck until he heard a voice yelling at him he saw Arcee approach him.

"Don't do it, if you do you'll be no better than the decepticons. Is that what you want? That was Airachnid's intention to make you a decepticon to turn you against the team."

He slowly released his grip, the spider femme looked up at Bee. She stood up and slowly backed away from the creature.

"You...your a...Monster"

Airachnid quickly ran off not wanting to spend another minute there. After she ran off Bumblebee and Arcee stood there in silence, Arcee watched Bee as he walked towards a tree. He stopped and transformed back, he turned to look at Arcee who looked upset, sad and disappointed in him. He started to say something to her but she cut him off and called for a ground bridge.

When the ground bridge appeared Arcee walked through it not saying anything to anyone. Bee came through, Ratchet saw him and gave a questioning looking. The black and yellow mech walked over to Arcee he reached for her servo but she pulled away.

"Arcee I'm sorry I had no choice"
"Sorry for what! Lying to me! Attacking me!"
"Arcee I had to keep it a secret! I didn't want to hurt you or anyone"
"No you didn't hurt anyone, you just made problems worse! Airachnid can take control of you when ever she wants and kill any of us!"
"What is there to look at you laid it all out! You have a murder weapon inside you, one that you clearly can't control! Had I not stopped you, you would have killed Airachnid without hesitation!"

Bee didn't say anything, he could see he already was making things worse he didn't want to make it anymore worse than what it was. Arcee took a step back and left him there and walked down the hall to her quarters. Bumblebee stood there for awhile until Ratchet walked over to him placing a servo on Bee's shoulder.

"What's wrong Bee?"

Bee didn't answer, he transformed and drove out of base. As he drove away we felt useless just as he did the other night. He thought his chest should feel lighter since he no longer had to hide the secret of AXL but it didn't it felt more heavy than before. His spark ached, he hurt Arcee and made a problem for her, it would only be a matter of time before it got out to the rest of the team making the problem worse.

Why did Bee have to be different? Why did he always have to get picked to have the worse things happen to him?

One word echoed through his mind
Was he really a Monster

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