I Love You

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In my life I have learned that love is a tool. In my life I have learned that love is a weapon. In my life I have had love ruined for me time and time again.

In my family, love is a plea. Love is a question.

If I tell you I love you, will you dare to repeat it back?

We always do, empty words falling through our lips, though they mean nothing.

If I tell you I love you, will you quiet down?

If I tell you I love you, will you stop yelling?

If I tell you I love you, will you dare to love me back?

I love you means I'm scared. I love you means my heart is beating too fast. I love you means too many things that it shouldn't.

I say I love you more than many people. It doesn't mean I love, more than those people. It means that I am afraid more than those people. It means that I believe if I stop saying it, my world will fall apart at the seams.

I am scared. I am scared and ruining my future. The words, I love you, hold absolutely no meaning to me.

One day. One day someone will tell me they love me. One day someone will tell me they love me with a full heart and bright eyes. One day I will stare up at someone and realize that I don't believe them.

I have lived my life crying wolf. I love you! Look, I love you! I do! I love you!

I. Promise.

I am afraid.

I am afraid of now. And of later. Later when I dare to repeat the words back.

When I repeat the words back and though I try to mean them, they mean nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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