Author's Note:

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Some people have quiet thoughts, the kind that barely nudge the edges of their minds before falling away. Some people have hopeful thoughts, ones that whisper promises of beautiful futures ahead. Yes, some may have those thoughts. I am not one of them.

I've made mistakes. I've broken friendships, said hateful things, screamed at the top of my lungs for answers. I've sat alone in my room with tears dripping into my bedspread. I have wrote.

Not everything I write is beautiful. To be honest, the majority of it is raw and rough, straight from my mind. But when I put the voices to paper it seems they quiet a bit more.

Writing is an escape, somewhere that I can get away. It brings me to a place where everything is a bit better.

Why don't you try it? Come along with me. Escape for a bit, five minutes, maybe six. Read a bit, then go back to your life. You might just see that you have changed.

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