By charms Percy's attention had gone out the window. Flitwick was going on and on about the Aguamenti charm and Percy was really bored.

Why did he need to conjure water out from his wand when he could just pull it out from the air? Plus, he already knew this charm, water spells came easy for him.

Percy was daydreaming as he stared out the window when suddenly. "Mr. Jackson!" Flitwick squeaked grabbing Percy's attention. "Are you paying attention."

Percy blinked, he stood up. "Uh...yes?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"

Percy groaned. "Neither...or both... Sorry. It's just that I already know this spell sir. And it's quite easy for me. So my mind started to...wander."

"Really? And what exactly did it wonder about?"

"Well...for one it wondered about the tournament starting tonight." Percy shrugged. "I mean, I'm pretty excited to see two more magical schools come over. Plus you know... French girls are hot." Percy spoke from experience on that one.

The boys in class chuckled, even Flitwick smiled a little. "Very well Mr. Jackson. I admit this charm is a little boring, what would you recommend as a substitute for today's class?"

Percy blinked. "Wait seriously?" Flitwick nodded with a smile. "Okay then. How about...well how about a translation charm? If the school is going to filled with foreigners then isn't it a good idea to know what they are saying?"

The class started to murmur in agreement while Flitwick himself nodded. "Right you are Mr. Jackson, right you are. Very well sit down, today I'll teach you all the translation charm. Now, what you must understand about this charm is that it does not allow you to speak in a foreign language, merely understand it. However it does translate said language into english, so you can understand what the foreigner is saying. Now, let's begin...."

That charms class was by far the most interesting class Percy had so far. Everyone was excited to learn, though by the end of the class no one had actually succeeded in learning the charm properly. One Ravenclaw girl almost got it, it was the same girl that hated Percy's guts and glared at him in Runes.

After lunch was over that day, McGonagall stepped up in front of the hall and addressed the school.

"Students, as you know today Hogwarts will be visited by two foreign schools, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. As such classes after lunch will be canceled." The students cheered as McGonagall waited until they stopped.

"Yes, now the reason for this is because we as the host school wish to make this event grand and amazing by welcoming them with the hospitality that is expected of us. As such you are all expected to wash up and make yourselves presentable for tonight, gather outside the castle doors at 6:30, which is when they are all expected to arrive. Be warned if any of you do anything to embarrass this school in front of our guests then you will be punished severely. Is that understood?"

The students cowered under the glare, even Fred and George understood how serious the teacher was being and wisely kept their mouth shut.

In the Gryffindor common room Percy and his friends sat around their table waiting for when they were expected. They all wore clean new Hogwarts robes, the girls did their hair and makeup while the boys combed their hair.

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