Chapter Four

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(Delilah's Pov)

  I woke up to the sun shining through my window,making me groan loudly and throwing the blanket over my head.I was scared awake when I felt someone shift beside me and I jolted up and looked at who the hell was in my bed and if I was about to be raped or possibly murdered on the first day of my job.

'Well fuck.'I thought and slowly turned to see who was lying next to me.

  I sighed in relief when I saw it was Collin and smiled because what he did last night was really sweet.When I turned back to him I saw he had his eyes open and I mentally pouted because he was really cute but I also mentally scolded myself for thinking that because one,he was my boss and two,well that was just plain creepy.I grabbed my laptop and thought I should make a blog post about arriving at the airport to go to Detroit.


March 1,2018

Hey Guys,

So I have some exciting news for you,I finally got the dream job I wanted and I am now a photographer for a band called Grayscale and we are headed to our first show in Detroit,Michigan tomorrow.I can't wait to see you guys who enjoy their show because they are a really good as a band and the sweetest people I've ever met.So please check them out and don't be afraid to come and say 'Hi' to me on tour!Love you guys and see you at the shows!




  I posted it to my blog and got up looking through my suitcase for something to wear,finally deciding on my outfit I grabbed my outfit and went to the bathroom to change.Closing the door I put on my white Beatles t shirt,  a retro looking floral skirt and leather weaved tan shoes.Finally happy with how I looked I brushed my hair and teeth,put some deodorant,washed my face and put on some makeup so I wouldn't look like trash today.When I was done I  came out of the bathroom feeling fresh for the day.I walked into the kitchen area of the bus and saw the guys all dressed and ready to start the day and Collin was making breakfast.

"Good morning everyone!"I said as I grabbed a cup of coffee because I can't live without it.

 The guys all waved at me with a small tired 'morning' making me laugh as I poured the sweet bitter liquid into my cup.Collin looked over at me and smiled the way he usually does making me smile genuinely back at him.I went over to the case I kept my camera equipment in and pulled out my journal to do an entry for the day,I sat down at the small dining table the bus had to offer and opened the cover.I went to an empty page and started writing for the day.


March 1,2018

 Well,so far,so good.I haven't been fired from my new job yet and so much has happened these past few weeks. I've enjoyed every moment of it and can't wait to see what this tour has in store for me.I have really been enjoying Collin and the guy's company even though I'm kind of a,Well,how should I put it,the only girl on their bus.Collin told me yesterday that we would be meeting the other bands in the Detroit when we land.He said that the lead singer,Derek of State Champs,would be meeting us there.I can't wait to meet everyone today and that I can stretch my legs for once because the bus is so stuffy and a bit cramped and even though I dominated the guys at Left 4 Dead,I still want to stretch my legs.I feel Collin staring at me again so I better go and see whats up.


  I closed my journal and looked up and saw that I was right.Collin was staring at me with a horrified look and I lifted up an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why do you look so terrified?"I asked and he looked down like he just did a bad thing and he regrets what he did.

"I burnt our breakfast."Collin said sadly and I laughed as I got up to see what the damage was.

  Collin was indeed right,he burnt everything so I shooed him out of the kitchen and had him sit at the table while I grabbed what I needed out of the fridge. 

"Watch and learn Mr.Walsh."I said with a goofy smile making him laugh and the guys looked at each other in confusion and came over to see what I was doing.

 Started making omelets for everyone as well as bacon and hash browns making the guys smile brightly. I put everything on plates and handed it to them while I made myself a vegetarian omelet because well I can and it's my mothers recipe.They all dug in and they had satisfied looks in their eyes making me smile and laugh quietly.I finally finished cooking up my breakfast and sat with the guys in the lounge eating my food as we put an episode of Stranger Things on and ate our food. 

  Finally after a few hours I our bus stopped and we got out taking our luggage with us so we could board the plane.We walked into the airport and let me tell you it was packed,but that's an understatement of the century because it felt more than packed than what any place normally was.I pulled my yellow cardigan over my shoulders and arms because even with all these people here,it still felt cold as hell.After awhile we boarded our plane and I beat Collin to the window seat which was really funny speaking as he said he was fast which I knew was a lie.I sat down in my seat,putting my earbuds in and Our Time To Go by State Champs started playing through my earbuds because I was starting to really love the Pop Punk genre ever since I listened to the  music from Grayscale. People are talented and I love it how creative they are.I finally fell asleep to the lead singer's voice for the rest of the flight because I get air sick if I stay awake for too long on the flight.


  "Hey,Delilah its time to go.The plane landed."Collin said as he shook me awake and I got up and got my suitcase from the overhead bin.

  I followed the guys off of the plane and we got into two separate  rental cars that were waiting for us so we could go to the hotel for the time we were in Detroit.I stretched and got into the passenger seat so Collin could drive to the hotel because I really wasn't up to driving at 10 pm and I was jet lagged from the flight.

   When  we got to the hotel I was ready to go to sleep and sleep for the remainder of the tour but I can't do that.We all went up to the front desk to check in and got our rooms,only problem was that there were only a certain number of beds so a couple of us had to sleep on the floor so it wasn't a problem for me because I can sleep anywhere practically.As the guys were arguing who would be sleeping on the floor and who would get the couch I finally spoke up tiredly.

"Guys,I'll take the floor I can sleep anywhere."I said and the guys looked at me.

"No,you will not if that's going to happen your going to be sleeping in my bed and Dallas will sleep on floor."Collin said and Dallas smiled and nodded in agreement.

   I nodded and brought my luggage up to the room and set it in the closet and got some pajamas on.Once I hit the pillow I was out like a light and I felt the bedside next to me shift and I sleepily looked over and saw Collin in sweats and no shirt fall asleep making me smile at how cute he looked and soon fell asleep for the night.

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