Chapter Twelve

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(Collin's Pov)

 As I looked at Delilah across the table I could see the sunlight hitting her face in such a beautiful way from the window, it made me smile it seemed like such a small thing to me but it made me smile. Delilah looked over at me, she seemed to be confused for a second. Delilah looked down shyly and it made me smile even more at how cute she was. 

 "After this do you want to find a bookstore to get some new books?" I asked her and Delilah looked up at me. 

 "I wouldn't mind going to a bookstore, I'm always down for that." Delilah said and I took her hand in mine.


  After lunch, Delilah and I walked down the sidewalk hand in hand, looking for a bookshop of any kind. We came across this small bookstore that looked like it was straight out of the eighteen hundreds, I looked over at Delilah who's face lit up in excitement. It brought joy to me to see her so happy, she walked up to the door and walked inside, I followed suit.

"It's so beautiful in here." Delilah whispered making me smile at how cute she was.

"Not as beautiful as you." I told her and she looked back at me in astonishment her gray blue eyes as wide as an owl's.

  Delilah took a look around the shelves, her hand brushing each books' spine lightly. It amazed me how she could read so many books and still deal with the craziness of tour, it baffles me really. As she turns the corner, I follow her amazed at how books always made her happy when it came to her free time, I could never really read books on tour I wouldn't know how i can concentrate on the storyline.

 I saw Delilah pulling down book after book into her small arms and I walked up behind her to help so she would have more room. Delilah looked up and smiled as I took some of the books from her and I looked at the covers, I saw a really beautiful copy of The Great Gatsby and smiled because she was really into classic literature. Delilah looked sheepish as I was staring at the novels and I looked at her with a confused expression.

"What?" I asked and she looked down then back up at me.

"You probably think I'm weird, for liking classic literature." Delilah said and I set the book back down on the pile, I reached out too her and hugged her tightly.

 "Don't ever be sorry for something you like Delilah." I told her with a small smile and she smiled back at me.

  After Delilah bought all of her books, we left and went over to a small café and sat down at a small table by the window. I went over to the register too order and I looked back over at Delilah who is watching out the window at all the people walking by going about their daily lives. As I walked back over to our table she looked back up at me and smiled making me smile back at her.

"You're coffee good?" I asked internally facepalming at my question.

  Delilah chuckled a bit and I looked at her, my face flushing in embarrassment after she looked at me weirdly. I looked down at my hands, immediately Delilah's hands were over mine, making me smile a little. 

"You don't have to be embarrassed around me Collin. I've asked embarrassing questions all the time, most of the time they are embarrassing." Delilah said making me look up at her in her gorgeous face.

 By the time Delilah bought her large stack of books, it was time to get to back to the bus before everyone started worrying. I took Delilah's hand in my own and we started walking back when I got a call from Nick.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone and looked at Delilah.

"Collin, you have to get back here, our stuff has disappeared!" Nick replied frantic and my own eyes widened in fear.

"What do you mean our stuff is gone!" I said and I was starting to get angry.

"Collin, calm down we will figure this out." Delilah said putting her hand on my own but I pulled it away instantly and turned on her like a raging bull.

"No, I won't calm down Delilah someone stole all our shit and you don't even care." I yelled and Delilah looked at me clearly hurt.

  Delilah let go of my hand and walked off leaving me alone in my thoughts and I watched her retreating form as she went back too the tour bus. I looked down at the sidewalk and started walking back on my own.


(Delilah's Pov)

   When I got back to the bus I didn't talk to anyone, starting to pack my stuff up I called the nearest hotel and booked a room, no way was I staying here when Collin was going to act that way with me. I soon had most of my clothes packed for the night and slung my backpack over my shoulder, I left a note for everyone since they were all gone doing whatever and walked out of the bus.  

   When I got too the hotel the lady at the desk greeted me with a kind smile and I just checked into my room only answering the desk clerks questions. I took my bag up to my room and shut the door, locking it. Setting my bag down I pulled out one of the new books I bought, A Curse so Dark and Lonely written by Brigid Kemmerer. I was a about to sit down when my stomach grumbled. Didn't realize how hungry I was. 

   Getting up, I walked out too the lobby, I yawned and stretched trying to get rid of how sleepy I was.

 "Delilah!" I heard a familiar voice say, I turned to where I heard the voice and saw Collin standing there looking at me worried.

 "Collin, what are you doing here?" I asked and he held up the note I left making me look down at the clean hotel floor.

  Collin walked over to me stopping a few feet away from me and I looked up at him, he looked like he had been crying for awhile but he just looked at me.

 "Collin, why are you here?" I asked crossing my arms and looking at him making him look at me surprised.

  "I came down too apologize, for lashing out at you." Collin replied and now it was my turn to look at him surprised.

  Collin just stared at me and I just held up my walls, my mask, my outer persona to not show I wanted to run to him.

 "I'm sorry I lashed out at you, the whole situation wasn't your fault and I regret the whole situation between us." Collin said, I dropped my arms and walked over to him, hugging him making him hug me back.

"I forgive you love." I told Collin and I can feel him smile against my hair making me look at him with nothing but love for him.

  I took his hand and we went back to my hotel room to grab my things, but I had an idea since I had the room for the night.

   "Why don't we stay here tonight, I can't check out till noon tomorrow and it'd be a waste too just leave early." I said to Collin who thought about it for a minute.

"Okay, we can stay tonight but the guys need me back by tomorrow morning so I won't be here when you wake up." Collin replied and I smiled up at him.

  As I set everything back down in the chair Collin grabbed me from behind, making me squeal and giggle a little. We fell back onto the bed and looked at him, making him and I giggle. I felt my eyes starting to grow heavy and Collin pulled me into him, I fell asleep instantly in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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