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We charged at Thanos' army, me flying next to Mom and Dad. The 3 of us blasted at one of the monsters Thanos brought with him and circled, back to back. "Hey Mom."

"CJ? Tony Stark, you let her fight in this battle?"

"Uh maybe."

"I'm an Avenger now, Mom."

"Yeah, she's great at it, trust me."

"Good luck." We split up and fought monsters. I saw Dad struggling, so I went to help him, but I wasn't the only one.

"Holy cow, you will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must have passed out because I woke up and you were gone but Dr Strange was there, right? And he was like, it's been 5 years come on they need us." My dad just stared at the kid who was like a son to him in shock.

"And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time and-" He was cut off by my dad giving him a hug.

"What are you doing? Oh this is nice."

I flew down and walked up to the 2 of them. "Peter?"

I deactivated my mask and he looked at me in confusion.

"Who are you?"

I laughed. "It's me. CJ."

"CJ?! What no way?!" I joined the hug and smiled. "I guess it really has been 5 years."

"I've missed you Peter."

"What happened to you? Is May OK?"

"May vanished. She'll be back now, but Tony and Pepper adopted me."

"Really? That's so cool."

"I'm a Stark now. It's good to see you Peter."

"It's good to see you too. You look so weird. Not weird, just old, no not old but older."

I laughed. "It's fine. I know what you mean."

We separated to go fight monsters. I killed some dude with a spear, wasn't fun.

I knocked a bunch of aliens down and flew over the battle, looking for who needed help. I heard something from above and saw that missiles were being fired. "Uh, Thanos is firing missiles now. Just thought you might wanna know." I started project a forcefield as far as I could, and the wizards put a magic shield thing above their heads. Then Dr Strange somehow managed to FUCKING MANIPULATE WATER!!! I stopped staring at what he was doing after about a minute and looked back down at the battle.

I saw Peter struggling against like 7 monsters and Captain America threw something at him. "Hey Queens, heads up." Peter stuck to whatever Steve threw at him, but he fell like 3 seconds later, so Mom swooped in.

"Hang on, I got you, kid." Mom said as she lifted Peter and flew him away. She dropped him on a Pegasus with Valkyrie, but fell off again not long after.

"Peter! Pass me the gauntlet!" I grabbed him and held him up, but he fell. Again. His mask came off as missiles crashed all around him.

I landed next to him and put up a forcefield, but the large amount of missiles crashing onto it weakened it.

"Peter! Run. Take the gauntlet and run."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Just take the infinity gauntlet. We cannot let Thanos have it. He's gonna wipe out the entire planet!"

The missiles knocked everyone out of the way, but suddenly stopped. We looked up and I heard something in my ear.

"What the hell is this?" Falcon.

"Friday, what are they firing at?" Dad.

"Something just entered the Upper Atmosphere." Friday.

I looked up to see a ball of light crashing at the ship. "It's Captain Marvel."

She broke the missiles and the ship started to explode from whatever Carol had done to it. She flew out of it as the 2014 spaceship crashed into the water.

"Go Carol!" I shouted.

"Danvers, we need an assist here." I heard Steve speaking to Carol in my earpiece. She landed right next to me and Peter, where Peter was hugging the Infinity Gauntlet incredibly tight.

"Hi I'm-I'm Peter Parker." I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" She smirked and Peter stood up.

He looked around and back at Carol. "I'm not sure how you're going to get through all of that." Then, Scarlett Witch landed next to her, followed by all of the other badass female Avengers.

"Don't worry," Wanda began.

One of the Wakandan soldiers smiled. "She's got help."

I stood with them and put my mask back on. "Bye, Peter."

We started to charge through the incoming army, our faces serious. I flew above, clearing a path by pushing Thanos' army aside. They parted like the Red Sea for Moses. I burned holes in the smaller spaceships that were above, and they fell to the floor.

Mom and I synced our blasters and blasted Thanos and he rolled over on the floor. Carol flew past him but Thanos got up and threw his spear thingy that made an explosion and blasted her back, making her drop the glove.

I flew over to see my dad, Steve and Thor fighting Thanos. I sent a blaster at him, as Thor stabbed him with something and Steve strangled him. He knocked them off and went to grab the gauntlet but Carol flew over and fought him.

He managed to get the gauntlet on and was about to snap when my dad fought him and tried to get it off. Thanos blasted him back and Dad sat against a rock. "I am inevitable."

Thanos snapped his fingers but nothing happened. He looked over at Dad who had the gauntlet on. "No." I realised what was going to happen and tears fell down my face.

Dad pulled his head back as the radiation spread through his body. He looked back at Thanos, and gritted his teeth. "And I... am... Iron Man." He snapped his fingers and everyone and everything that came from the past disappeared.

Dad grabbed onto something and started to fall. I ran over to him and supported him, helping him sit down. I kneeled next to him and hugged him. "No, no, no, no. Dad."

Rhodey landed near us and walked slowly toward Dad. Peter came over and kneeled on the other side of Dad. "Mr Stark? Hey, Mr Stark? Do you hear me? It's Peter. We won, Mr Stark, we won, Mr Stark. We won, you did it, Mr Stark, you did it." Dad just grunted and looked at Peter and I. "I'm sorry-" Peter started to collapse, crying and Mom came and sat in front of Dad.

"We did it, Dad. You saved us all."


"Hey Pep." He mumbled quietly.

"Friday..." Mom talked quietly, I could tell she was holding back tears.

"Life functions critical." Friday spoke and I gasped quietly.

Dad looked at me and Mom and smiled.

"Tony." Mom smiled at him and he looked away. "Tony, look at me." He turned his head to look at her. "We're gonna be OK. You can rest now."

I put a hand on his cheek. "I love you, dad. Thank you, for everything." The glowy thing in place of his heart stopped glowing and he stared blankly. Mom started to cry and I put my arm around her, the 2 of us crying together. Everyone watched as the light slowly left Iron Man's eyes.

Mom kissed him on the cheek and I buried my head into his shoulder.

We just stayed like that until I turned around and noticed that all of the Avengers around us had gotten down on one knee and were kneeling. I followed suit and bowed my head in respect; tears falling down my face.

A/N I hate this chapter but I don't really know how else I could write it.

Iron Man's Daughter, Spiderman's Sister Where stories live. Discover now