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A/N: So this is kinda a collection of scenes from the first year or so that CJ lives with the Starks just to clear that up

1 week later...

I was sat in my room, listening to music when my song stopped and FRIDAY spoke. "Miss Parker, Pepper and Tony would like to see you in the living room."

"Thanks Friday." I pressed pause on Beat It and went downstairs to talk to Tony and Pepper.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

They looked nervous. "Take a seat, CJ."

My heart started beating at a mile a minute, and my brain went into overdrive. What was going on? Did they want to kick me out? Why did they want to get rid of me? What did I do wrong? Did I break something? Did I say something rude?

"I'm pregnant." Pepper said.

"Oh." They definitely didn't want me anymore. They were gonna have a kid of their own now. Why would they need me? I started to breathe rapidly.

Tony noticed my distress and walked over to me, wrapping an arm around me. "We don't want you to leave, CJ."

"Really? Because you know, I'd be fine if you did I mean i get it you're gonna have your own kid, why on earth would you want me I just-"  I rambled crazily.

"We don't want to get rid of you, we want you to be a big sister."


"This kid is gonna have to go through a lot of stuff being our child, but we know that you can help them and be the best big sister to our little girl."

"It's a girl?"

Pepper shook her head. "We don't know yet."

"But I know it's a girl and I'm a genius so I must be right. Anyway, Céleste, what do you say? Will you be the greatest sister to our new kid?"

I nodded. "OK."

10 months later...

I was sat holding Morgan, while Tony tried to get her to say dada.

"Come on, Stark, you're a genius how can you not get your own kid to say your name?"

He scoffed at me, but it wasn't very effective since he had a wash cloth over his shoulder. "I bet you couldn't do any better."

I looked at my baby sister, Morgan, who looked back at me with wide eyes. "Hey, Morgy, can you say Sissy?"

"Thithy?" She giggled at me. "Thithy thithy!"

Tony looked at me in shock. "How did you get her to say that?"

"I guess I'm just smarter than you, Toto."

"It was barely your name, let's be honest."

"She's barely a month old, I think getting her to say that is a huge milestone at her young age. Besides, babies can't pronounce s's dumbass."

1 month later...

I sat outside in the waiting room as I waited for Tony and Pepper to come out so I could go in. Morgan started to cry in my arms so I gently rocked her back and forth and gave her a bottle. "Sh, mommy and daddy will be back in a minute, Morgs."

A few minutes later, Pepper and Tony Stark walked out of the soundproof office and over to me and Morgan.

"Miss Parker, may I have a word with you?"

I took a deep breath and handed Morgan over to Tony so I could talk to the person in charge of determining my future.

"Please, take a seat." She smiled as I walked in. "Would you like a mint?"

"I'm good, thank you Ma'am."

"Right. So, Miss Parker, shall we get down to business?"

"Of course."

"We'll start with the basics. How long have you been in the care of the Starks?"

"For just under a year."

"And who were you in the care of previously?" She didn't look up as she wrote down my response.

"May Parker, and her Nephew Peter."

"Why are you no longer in her care?"

"Because she vanished. With half of the universe."

She gave me a sympathetic look. "My son vanished too."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm learning to accept it. Let's move on. Have the Starks ever mistreated you in any way?"

"No not at all. They've been so sweet and patient with me."

"Excellent. I just have one more question. Do you feel safe with the Starks considering Anthony's line of work?"

"I do. Tony has been nothing but welcoming and caring to me. And a little sarcastic. For the first 2 months I stayed with them, I had nightmares every time I went to sleep, and every single night Tony would be there with a cup of hot cocoa and a comforting hug. Their daughter, Morgan, is my sister. I love her so much, and this is the most amazing and caring family I have ever seen."

"I will be the first to admit that my childhood wasn't exactly picture perfect. I was scared and lonely and insecure, but Tony and Pepper bring out a different side of me. They are so caring and understanding of what I went through and I can never repay them for that. This kind of loving family is everything I've ever dreamed of. Please don't take it away." A single tear rolled down my cheek.

She walked over to the door and told Tony and Pepper to come back in as I wiped away my tear.

They sat down and Pepper handed Morgan over to me, who I welcomed with open arms, kissing her forehead. The woman put a piece of paper in front of Tony and a pen.

"Celeste Jane Parker, once this document has been signed, you will be the official daughter of Virginia and Anthony Stark."

I smiled as Pepper picked up the pen and signed the document with no hesitation, handing it over to Tony to follow suit.

"Congratulations, happy family."

2 months later...

I was with Tony in his lab, working on something with him.

"Hey, CJ, hand me those tweezers."

"Sure thing dad." My eyes widened as I realised what I said, and Tony looked shocked too. I quickly grabbed the tweezers and put them on the table in front of him.

After a moment of silence, he replied, "Thank you, Daughter." He smiled at me and I looked down,pursing my lips.

Iron Man's Daughter, Spiderman's Sister Where stories live. Discover now