2 - Infinity War

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1 year later...

I was sat on the bus with Peter when we looked through the window and saw a giant metal spaceship thing. "Uh, Peter, what's that?"

"I don't know. Stay here I'm gonna check it out."

He created a distraction and then went to go help Iron Man fight some purple raisin giant guy, who had a golden glove on one hand and some jewels in it.

"Yeah, OK then."

Peter got beat up. So did Iron Man. I decided to follow them. Looking back, it was both the best and worst decision I ever made.

Many hours later... (because I'm too lazy to go watch infinity war again)

We had just fought Thanos.

And lost.

I say we, I wasn't allowed to do anything because Peter's such an overprotective brother. At least now he knew how Tony felt when he also didn't follow instructions.

Dr Strange had given Thanos the time stone in exchange for Tony's life, and since he had that one we knew it wouldn't be long until he had all of them - and wiped out half the universe.

I got off the ship to sit with Peter, as we didn't know who would survive the snap and who wouldn't. He was lying on the floor, injured because he's an idiot, and I sat next to him, holding his hand. Tony and Strange were also there.

Before long, it happened. Dr Strange, the wizard dude we met, and Peter both vanished into dust. I kneeled over where Peter had been not 10 seconds ago, and allowed the tears to fall down my cheeks.

Tony Stark walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw that only he and the Blue woman, who I thought was Thanos' daughter, were left.

"I'm sorry kid."

"Don't. I had just started a good life for myself, with a loving family, and Thanos took it all away with nothing more than a snap of his fingers. I can't believe it. My mind can't process it. He was everything I had. The closest thing I've ever had to family, and he's gone."

I looked up at Tony with tears in my eyes. "He's gone."

"I know, kid."

We walked back to the spaceship thingy and Tony tried to figure out a way to get us back to earth.

"Why don't you get some shut-eye while I figure this out, OK?" He shooed me away and I went into another part of the spaceship to sleep.

Tony POV

I sighed. Out of all the people I had to be stuck on a spaceship with, the annoying 13 year old who tried to steal my technology would not have been my first choice. Even that smart ass wizard probably would have been better. The blue girl, Nebula, was alright though. She's been helping me a lot.

I started to get to work on filming something for Pepper, when I heard noises from a different part of the ship. It started out with whimpering, which I tried to ignore, but then progressed into screaming.

I ran over to the girl, sleeping, who was crying for help and thrashing around. I put my arms on her shoulders and shook her to wake her up, "Hey, kid. Kid, wake up!" She just violently moved around. "CJ!" She jolted up instantly, knocking me over in the process.

"Oh my god, Mr Stark I'm so sorry. Was I screaming again?"

"You've done that before?" I asked, thinking there was a lot more to this girl than my initial assessment of her. She nodded slowly.

"Uh yeah. Everyday for the past 2 years. Since I moved in with May and Peter, I soundproofed my room so they wouldn't hear me. I'm sorry if I distracted you."

"No, it's fine. You want to talk about it?"

She looked me in the eye and bit her lip. "I guess, if you're sure. I don't want to depress you."

"No, I wanna know. What's up, kid? What are the nightmares about?"

She took a deep breath and started to explain.

"I never knew my parents. My mom died in childbirth, with no living relatives, and my dad was totally out of the picture. I was put in the system when I was a few days old, and bounced in and out of foster homes from then until I was 10. The longest one was a year, and I ran away from my last foster home and lived on the streets."

"Why did you run away?"

"I'm sure you don't want to hear about it."

"Look, kid, we're gonna be stuck on this big ol' hunk of metal for God knows how long, and it's quite likely we'll die here, I'll get it out of you at some point, so you might as well tell me now to save hours of me annoying you. I'm pretty good at it you know."

"Fine. I'll tell you. My foster parents were alcoholics and the mom was never there, she cheated on her husband constantly and he took it out on me."

"Took it out how?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously but she just shrugged.

"He hit me a couple of times, I think the alcohol made him think I was his wife because he kept calling me Alison."

"How often?"

"It started off with just a few times a month, but then it progressed into every night. If I tried to tell anyone, they would just say I was an attention seeker, who craved being in the spotlight."

I could see her blinking back tears. "They even went as far as saying I threw myself down a flight of stairs and that was how I turned up with a broken arm."

"Is that what the nightmares are from?"

"Partly. When I ran away, like I said, I went to the streets. I slept in a sewer for 6 months, rats everywhere. Then I slept in alleys, doorways, even behind dumpsters. People shouted all kinds of things at me, Vermin, Trash Girl, Trash, Dirty Girl. I was used to being shouted at, all of these disgusting names and I was only 11 years old. More than once I woke up with a gun in my face, or a knife. But I got a job and enrolled in a school, under a new name."

She looked at me again.

"I got a job delivering newspapers, and that's how I met May. I got lost, and she asked me where I lived. I said I lived above the shop I worked for, she didn't believe me. I was saving up money, you see. She came to see me everyday for a month, and she figured out quickly that I had no one. About two months in, she visited me, and she brought adoption papers and a member of the government with her. It was the best day of my life."


I was full on sobbing by now.

"But now, she could be gone. I might never see her again. Or she's down there, worrying about me, both her wards up in space, she won't know if we're dead or alive."

I sniffed. "I don't know what I'll do without her. If we get down there, and she's gone, I have nowhere. Nothing. Thanos really didn't think his plan through very well. There will be countless children, maybe me, left without a family or anyone to go to. I'm sorry, I should shut up."

He took me in his arms and I cried into his chest. "She was... Just the closest thing... I ever had to a mom. I never called her mom, because I didn't want any chance of jinxing it. Maybe the universe just doesn't want me to be loved. Maybe it's my destiny to always be alone."

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