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"I can help."

"Look, kid, as much as I want you to help us, you don't have any powers or any way of defending yourself."

I looked at dad. "Oh really? Cass, initiate protocol 1."

"Who's Cass and what the -" Dad stopped halfway through his sentence as my Techno suit covered my body, emerging from my bracelet.

"How did you do that?"

"Ever since I turned 16, I've been building and modifying my own suit. You wouldn't build me one, so I had to do it myself. It's based off of your suit, but mine has a few extra touches I put in, is a lot more lightweight and I created my own AI to go in there."

"Show us your extra touches." Natasha looked at me expectantly.

"Initiate Protocol 18." My suit turned invisible, along with myself.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Antman looked at me in awe.

"Reverse." I appeared again. "I borrowed some of the old hydra serums from your lab and figured out a way to incorporate their DNA into the programming of my suit. Cass, initiate Protocol 7."

Dancing Queen by ABBA started playing and I danced along to it. "I connected it to my Spotify play list. Not to mention there's Karaoke, disco lights, and X Ray vision. Oh, and I can teleport."

"How do you teleport?"

"Cass, scan for people in the building."

"There are 7 people in this building and 1 raccoon. Shall I identify them?"


"Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson and Scott Lang are the humans, the raccoon is called Rocket. Plus yourself."

"Thanks Cass. Now, teleport back to Stark Industries."

I felt my suit teleport to Stark Industries. "Take a picture." The shutter clicked and I said, "Return to the lab."

I went back to the lab and projected the photo my suit had taken. "Well?"

"How- how did you-?"

"Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room, Dad?"

"Because most of the time, I am."

"Look, I can help. My suit is even more capable than Iron Man's, and I'm a lot more careful than him. I can be a great asset to your team."

"Look, you're talented, I'll give you that, Stark, but the choice is up to your dad." Natasha just shrugged.

"Dad? Come on. I'll never forgive myself is something happens to you and I wasn't there."

"Fine. Why do you have to be so much like me?"

"Because I'm your daughter."

"Just one question, does Cass stand for anything?"

"Cleverly Apt Sardonic System."

"Of course." There was silence for a moment before my dad realised something.

"Did you just make a Hamilton reference?" I just smirked.


"God, you're insufferable sometimes, you know that?"

"Well I am your daughter after all."

"Why you cheeky little-"

"Hey! This family bonding's cute and all but can we get back to reversing the snap?" Black Widow looked at us blankly and Dad & I just replied in unison, "Sure."

Iron Man's Daughter, Spiderman's Sister Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora